Part 5

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After hearing King Kim's and Park's mouth hang open eyes wide in totally shook Mr and Mrs Kim  silent and happy a little but frighten and Park family is totally jealous and angry but they can't say anything because the king himself said so but park family is very shemless

Bogum: sorry say but king his marriage already fixed with me he is going to be my wife not younger prince's ( he said angrily)

That makes Jin and Jimin angry especially Jk he is totally red Because of anger

Mr park: my lord we are sorry but we didn't agree with you  he is going to be ore son-in-law he didn't suitable for the younger prince my daughter is perfect for younger prince

Mrs park: yes my lord he is  just a low class poor boy how will he follow the rules of the royal family? My daughter is already our princess she can easily handle your royalty

Her statement made the king more angry and Kim stood there and hung low with teary eyes

Jin: shut up don't forget you are standing before the king and you are insulting our future queen in front of us and you guys are talking against the king's decision

Jimin: Think about your own consequences and then speak

Jimin's statements scared them

Mr park: we are sorry king and prince but first asked his parents they are his parents it's their decision they are his parents after all

Mr park threatenedly glare at Mr and Mrs Kim

Bogum: my lord beside I saw him first so he is mine his parents agreed to marry us on their own so I think you should take their permission with whom they want their son to marry???

When king about say something they heard a loud powerful voice

??? : No need to take anyone's permission what my son said that's the end

Jin/Jimin/ Jk : Grannyyyy

They ran to her and hugged her she chuckled and patt their head

King/Queen: Mother

Others: Elder queen

King and others bow at her and queen make tae stand beside herself and bow at old queen  and others mouth hang open because everyone know how is the old queen more strict than old and present king she wants everything perfect she is perfect in everything she idol queen for everyone she have a soft heart but for her special person's but she can punished anyone without any thought after old King's death she is the one who took care of the royalty alone more then 5 year

Old queen: what's going on here

She look all of them but her eyes stuck on a beautiful boy who look at her with innocent big round eyes

Old queen: who is the boy.?

Jk: my soon to be wife granny ( proudly)

Old queen: and what is happening here

Jimin: we are finding bride for brother and father make a decisions but the park family disrespected the decision and they are insulting brother's future wife

The old queen glared at the park family and they gulap

Old queen: Jimin tell me full details...


To be continue...

The younger Prince's WifeWhere stories live. Discover now