Part 19

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After seeing blood on Tae's dress jk immediately dragged Tae' towards a side there is no one then jk immediately open his T-shirt

Tae: koo w-what are you doing w-why are you open t-shirt what if someone catch us

Jk: shhhh let me do

Tae: what? And why?

Jk: Blood stains on your dress

Tae: B-bl-ood

Jk: hmm so tet my t-shirt be tied around your waist It will cover your dress blood spots

Tae: is that's why people looked at me weirdly in the fair,  a-and i feel wet and itchy in my princess part ( lowly with red cheek) am I going to die? Did I have a terrible disease? Koo?

Jk: shhh Taetae my Taetae it's not a disease okk I don't know well but as far as I know this is a common thing jin and jimin hyung and our mother's can tell you better about this hmm

Tae sniffing and nodded his head and when jk about to tie his T-shirt around tae's waist that time they stop their tracks when they heard queen's voice behind them and started to shaking in fear

Queen: what are you both doing here alone? And why is your upper body naked jungkook ?

Jk: M-mother..? Abb umm

Queen: I want answer jungkook

Tae: Don't scold him mother he did nothing it's my fault, I have blood stains on my dress that's why he tied his t-shirt on my waist

Queen: Blood..? O m g i-it's mean did y-you both did these things in this age only?

She start blabbing nonsense she thought negetively she forgot they both just a child with curious mind both boys didn't got her little bit of talk but they understand she took the matter wrong she was looking angry

Her angry looks frightening Tae, he started shaking so jk immediately hug him tightly thats make queen more angry so she force fully seperate them and about to slap jk but some came in middle and stopped her

And the person was Jimin

Time skip....

Again royel court room...

Again everyone gathered together queen looking very angry Tae change his dress Jimin help him and Jk also dress properly Kim family also here

Elder queen: mey i know Jasmine why you try to raise you hand on my grandson what he did

Queen: your grandson didn't obey my orders he did the thing he should do just in this age and I am disappointed with Taehyung he also didn't care my order so I decided neither of them met until their marriage and Jimin took jungkook with you he will stay with you from now on

Jk: N- no m-mother  what w-we did why are you punishing us why?

Broke into tears immediately jimin hugged him and Tae also cried in Jin's arm

Queen: what you did after doing those things you dare to ask me

Elder queen: What they did this time tell us clearly Jasmine

Queen: because of him ( point her finger towards jk) Taehyung lost his varginity i saw blood on Taehyung's  dress



To be continue... 

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