Part 7

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Elder queen look at his grand son whose have a pout in his bunny face and doe teary eyes

Elder queen: What lies.? Tell me I will punish him..!

Tae: no no don't punished him he is good boy but yesterday when he give me chocolate first I denied but he said no one will scold me if I take chocolate from him but that bad hyungii slapped me today and also everyone scolded me ( with a pout and teary eyes) I know that's why king called us he wants to punished us because I took chocolate from him...

Suddenly the elder queen hugged him and wiped his tear

Elder queen: oh boy your younger prince don't know na that younger bad hyungii is that much bad that he will slapped you for this little things hmm he said what he thought if he knows this he didn't give thos chocolate to you how can he heart you knowingly hmm look he is sorry maybe he feels guilty

Tae make a thinking face then nodded then look at jk whos eyes teary and a pout and hand low a little he look raugh and tough from outside but he also a child Tae feel sorry for him so he went to him and make jk look at him and wipe his tear with his soft hand and give his famous boxy smile

Tae: Prince hyungii don't cry Tae Tae is sorry for saying you lier

Jk: No Tae Tae I am sorry I don't know if you took chocolate from me they will treat you bay way I am sorry please don't weth me

With pleading look Tae immediately hug him that make everyone shook Mr and Mrs Kim are scared park family angry and jeons are happy after broke the hug he glares at Bogum and said to Tae

Jk: did he slapped you very hard.?

Tae nodded his head and point his left cheek then jk notice clearly red mark on Tae's left cheek then jk first caress the place then pick the place his actions make Tae shy and other shook too many shook for park and Kim elder queen cough a little

Jimin: Tae now everything is ok with between your prince and you

ask softly  Tae nodded his head as yes with a boxy smile that made Jk smile his Wide bunny smile

Jin: then will y-

Jk: hyung let me ask him (Jin nodd) Tae Tae will you marry me will you be my wife will you stay with me forever.?

Tae: Like my mother and father.?

Jk: yes like your parents and my parents like Jin hyung and Joon hyung

Tae: will you kiss me hug me life my parents will you give me flowers and chocolate.?

His statement made Mr and Mrs Kim shy

Jk: yesss i will give you what you want I will love you as our parents I will feed you carry you like my father and you will help me wear my royal dress and them I will kiss you in your lips and cheek like my parents

His statement made king and queen shy both parents cheek tent red Jin jimin and granny cooing at their innocent little lovely talk

Tae: ok then I will marry you younger prince

Tae said sith boxy smile now our little bunny started jumping happily jeon and kim family was very happy but park family was angry


To be Continue.....

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