Part 26

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Dubble update.....

Author pov

After hearing jk's question Tae stopped for some second

Tae: (chuckle) I know it will never happen

Jk: what if it's happened then you will not regret your decision today?

Tae:  no never, I know today I took a good decision , and if someone replace me in your heart then i will share you with him or if you want I can leave you life for your happiness

Jk: That's enough ok you want it that much okkh be ready for future I don't know why you are talking like a mature person ok and tell mother and father I will leave for abroad with in 3 days and after I reach their no need to contact with me what if came here hereing your news it's can district me and tell it others too I know you can handle yourself you are talking like mature person you are not my little Tae Tae okk good

With that Jk reft is room crying very hard if he turned his head then he can abale saw the heart breaking Sean  there his little wife crying his heart out eyes are totally red

He is The same little Tae tae for him but now he isn't just a little boy now he can understand problems now he can handle his own little little things he started hiding his little pains he started to feel the love for his husband like a mature woman

His helth wasn't good from last one month he vomit sometimes his he feel nesous but he didn't said anything to anyone specialy to his koo

3 days later

Today Jk was going abroad and he isn't alone with his best friend Hoseok also with him

Jk still have one mother for spend his good time with his family and wife but his stubbornness didn't agreed Tae said sorry to him many time try to make him understand stay here for one month but he didn't agree with him because he is angry with him...

In this 3 day jk didn't talk to Tae not for once thak make Tae's heart brake more but he didn't say it loud jus keep his smile front of everyone

Whenever he was alone he cried his hearts out

Now jk going he hugged everyone he took blessings from his elders and Tae stood a side for his turn he was waiting for jk hugged him before he went

Jk just look at him, jk want Tae stop him, but Tae didn't said anything just stood there with a smile jk thought he was happy that's make him more angry and without hug him or greet him Jk left from there and didn't turned his face to Tae

Tae's tears started falling from his beautiful eyes jk don't know what he miss today he never this day this moment if regret it leater...

After jk left everyone's focus on the door way but their attention went to their backside when they heard a thud sound

They say Tae laying on the ground unconscious they immediately pick him up to his bedroom and inform some trusted vedic ( who can treat with herbs)

After seeing Tae the Vedic what say Jeon family it's make them shook they don't know how they react

Vedic: Your highness the younger prince's wife is PREGNANT 


To be continue....

Hey guys I know you didn't expect Taehyung's pregnancy but here comes the new twist of the story

Their married life will not be so easy they still have many problems to overcome

The next chapter will have a gap of some years many things will change

Taehyung's character will change completely

Don't worry I won't let him take care of his own baby at such a young age

Let's see what happens next

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