Part 34

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Jk: T-tae baby let me explain

Jin: Tae baby you know it

Tae sigh and nodded

Jk: from when?

Tae: what do you think you sneak into my room like a thief at night come and hug me and sleep next to me besides you can't control you those parvat hand and i will let you humm before that i will cut off your hands and feed them to dog

Jk's ear turned red but eyes again widened with horror

Tae: about your relationship when you entered this house your eyes never leave my face you weren't looking at Lisa you couldn't even pronounce the word girlfriend hobi hyung did it for you and i saw hobi hyung and lisa both hold each other hand secretly and gives thumbs up to you no one noticed it, but I noticed sooo now it's punishments time

Lisa: Tae-hyung I didn't do anything knowingly this jangle book and horse told me do the act please spare me

Jk and hobi look at her with horror

Hobi: b-baby you can't betray me Tae it's totally Jk's idea i asked him not to do this to you

Jk: WHAT  you horse face man and lizard i will kill you If I survive this time

Tae: Shut up you jungkook go and squat 500 time

Jk: What Isn't it too much?

Tae: 700

Jk: ok 500 enough

Tae: hold your ears also

Jk: ok ok but promise me you will not marry that Kai boy

Tae: haa Why should I marry him?

Jk: Then why did the hyungs say that Kai will marry you

Jin: us.? Are you mad or something? Why should he marry Tae when he love Jennie

Jimin: I think he's lost his brains scrue bro go and find your brain's scru since the arrival of tomorrow, he has been talking nonsense

Jk: didn't you said that you're very excited for their marriage

Jimin: yes we say but it's Kai and Jennie

Jk: oh god it's mean I was just panicking for nothing

Time skip

Taekook's room

Kook was sulking and winning to his wife because he can't feel his leg after the long squad

Jk: Tae babyyy my legs please do something

Tae: are you a baby or what

Jk nodded with a pout

Jk: your big baby

Tae: aish wait a minute

After some minutes later Tae brought mustered oil to massage his leg and started his leg massage and Jk moan in plaser

Jk: ahh~ baby~ it feels~ soo~ good ~

Tae: stop moaning

Jk: why~ do~you feel~ something~ hmm

Tae sop his massage and stood up and about to go but jk grab his wrist and pull Tae towards him

Jk: It's been 5 years  i didn't feel you didn't touch you don't you want me the way i want you hmm

Nibbling Tae's earlobe and Tae moan lowly then jk started giving wet kiss pn Tae's neck and Tae moan loudly because Tae also want his husband same way it's been a while they didn't feel each other but something stop Tae so he immediately stop Jk's hand which about to entered inside his shirt jk frown but look at Tae with questionable eyes

Tae: not now

Jk: but why

Tae: Nothing is the same like before

Jk: but why i can see a lot has changed but why i you changed a lote you wanted me to go abroad and become a doctor I kept your word look i am doctor now you are the opposite of who I thought you were before I came here no long hair no cross dress no sweetness why are you putting all the troubles in yourself by showing everyone your harsh appearance why my love did something happen after l left from here tell me why you had those painful nightmares I want old sweet Taehyung with this confidence boldness of yours can you give me my That Tae baby hmm

Tae is now crying mess and jk hug him try to comfort him but their moments broke when they heard queens shout from her room

Tae and kook both immediately run towards there when they reach they saw King is lying on the floor of the room and queen desperately try to lift him up what made kook shook that the king cannot move his legs he left all the weight of his body on his wife what happened to his father why he is on this state he came out his thoughts when Tae called him

Tae: Jungkook help mother first

Jk lift his father and put him on the bed jk saw his father trying to say something to jk but like his voice didn't come out tears rolling down from  from everyone's eyes jk saw after many struggle his father lift one hand put it on jk's head but for few seconds later his hand immediately fell from his hand jk cheek his father's body then he got to know his his father's entire body is paralyzed ne hand is only slightly ok he can't talk jk immediately left the room with crying and Tae follow behind him


To be continue....

Thank you guys so much love ❤

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