Chapter Nine - You're hard not to love.

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Author's Note - Honestly y'all - the posting schedule be damned at this point 😂

February Twentieth

Oakley felt lips ghosting across her back. It was still early, but the sun was coaxing her eyes to open through the windows. She felt warm, calloused hands roam over her skin as the lips moved up to her ear.

"Happy Birthday, baby," Kayce whispered.

Oakley stretched out before turning onto her back, Kayce's arms moving with her. He looked down at her, already dressed for work. Then Oakley remembered, Kayce had been called in for an ops mission to head up to the border today with his team.

"Don't get arrested in Canada," Oakley smiled. "I need to renew my passport so I wouldn't be able to visit you."

"I thought that's what you wanted for your present?" Kayce leaned down and kissed Oakley. "Always wanting to punish me for something."

"Mmmm," Oakley giggled. "Canadian prison would probably be a four-star resort compared to here."

"I'll have to see it next time," Kayce pressed a kiss to Oakley's jaw. "See, I've already got plans tonight."

"Oh?" Oakley wrapped her arms around Kayce's neck, a sleepy smile on her face. "Whatcha doing?"

"Not what," Kayce bit down on the soft skin of Oakley's neck. "More like who."

"Don't start what you can't finish," Oakley moaned out. "Your boys might start to make jokes about you being late all the time."

Kayce kissed her deeply, his tongue slipping past her lips while his hands roamed down her body. Oakley gripped the back of Kayce's head as one of her legs wrapped around his hips. She could feel the coolness of his badge pressing against her thigh.

"They're just jealous," Kayce whispered between kisses. "And I guess it's a good thing that I'm in charge then huh?"

Oakley pressed a few kisses along Kayce's jaw as his hands gripped her ass. Her lips then moved down his neck, she sucked gently at the base where his neck met his collarbone.

"Gonna leave a mark, babe," Kayce bit the top of Oakley's ear softly.

"Good," Oakley licked back up his neck to his lips, kissing him again. "Maybe it'll keep those Canadian women off you."

Kayce pulled back and looked down at her with a smirk.

"I don't think I'm Canadian women's type?" Kayce chuckled.

"Kind of annoying how you don't see what we as women see," Oakley giggled, leaning up to kiss him again. "But I guess that's a good thing for me."

Kayce's phone started to go off. With a loud groan, he rolled over, picking it up and putting it to his ear.

"What?" He grunted. "Yeah...I there in thirty minutes."

He hung up and sighed, moving back over to a smirking Oakley.

"You will be the death of me," Kayce shook his head.

"I love you," Oakley smiled. "Please be safe."

"I always am," Kayce pressed a sweet kiss to her lips before she could laugh at him. "I'll see you tonight."

Oakley leaned up to sit while Kayce pulled his boots on. She tried to tame her wild hair as Kaye stood up and looked back at her.

"Can you be like that when I get home?" Kayce asked her.

"If you hurry," Oakley raised an eyebrow.

Kayce moved fast, Oakley laughing as she heard the front door open and shut quickly. She rolled off her bed and got ready for the day. When she walked out into the living room and kitchen she stopped when she looked at the dining table.

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