Chapter Twelve - Slice through to the bone.

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Oakley pulled up to Monica's home with Tate in the backseat. They had had breakfast with Kayce earlier this morning before he headed into the office.

"I thought I was going to my grandfather's house?" Tate asked, leaning forward on the console.

"I think you are," Oakley looked back at him. "But your dad told me to bring you here to your mom. You're probably going with her over to celebrate his birthday."

"Are you coming?" Tate asked.

"Sorry buddy," You smiled. "But I actually don't know your grandfather and he probably just wants to celebrate with his family."

"Fine," Tate rolled his eyes and got out.

You followed him, walking up the steps behind Tate and waiting while he knocked on the door. A few seconds later, Monica opened it up with wet hair.

"Sorry," She said to Oakley. "I'm running late."

"It's okay," Oakley shrugged. "Just dropping him off.

"Come in," Monica stepped back into her home and Tate and Oakley walked inside. "Let me just put my hair up and then we'll leave Tate."

Monica walked back into the home while Oakley looked around. She hadn't been back inside here since Monica invited her for tea that one-time last year. Nothing seemed to have changed much.

"Did you have a nice birthday?" Monica walked back out, braiding her hair.

"It was nice," Oakley nodded. "Thank you again for letting us have Tate...I owe you one for that."

"Sure," Monica looked at Tate. "Ready to go see your grandfather?"

"Can Oakley come?" Tate asked.

"Tate-" Oakley sighed.

"She's never met him," Tate looked at his mom. "I think she should meet my other family."

"It's okay," Oakley looked at Monica. "That's your family and I don't want it to be weird."

"Even weirder than we already are?" Monica shrugged. "It's just hotdogs...if you'd like to come have lunch?"

Oakley looked at Tate who was giving her a huge smile and nodding his head.

"I won't stay long," Oakley sighed, but smiled at Tate. "But you can't be at my side the whole time need to be with your grandfather, okay?"

"Deal," Tate nodded.

Monica drove them over to her father's house; it only took them about fifteen minutes. Oakley followed them out to an old burnt-red barn in the back. There was a large group of people, a few tables of food, and a bunch of kids running around screaming.

Oakley shivered in the cold but saw there had been heated warmers brought out and running on outdated-looking generators. She made a mental note to see if Kayce could get them some new ones.

Monica introduced Oakley to a few folks, everyone seeming to be kind enough. Though Oakley didn't miss the longer glances and a few whispers around her back when she walked away.

"Oakley, this is my father," Monica smiled at her dad.

"Hi there," Oakley held out her hand. "Happy Birthday."

"Thank you," The older man had bright eyes. "I don't believe we've met."

"She's just a friend, Dad," Monica said, kissing his cheek. "She brought Tate back from Kayce's and we promised her a hotdog for the drive."

"Kayce couldn't?" The man asked and Oakley felt her nerves creep up.

"Busy," Monica answered and continued on, grabbing Oakley's arm.

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