Chapter Forty-Eight - They'll begin to take it all.

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Oakley had opened the large curtains in the living room the next morning. She could see everything that was happening down at the main house and barns. Just like Kayce had said, at eight o'clock on the dot, about seven sheriff trucks pulled up to the main house, along with four dark SUVs. Kayce had already been down there, waiting for them with Rip and the wranglers.

Tate was still with Oakley, still sleeping thankfully. The twins had been fed and would probably sleep for the next hour or so, so Oakley had a cup of coffee and decided to watch the action from afar.

That wasn't one hundred percent true...Oakley had been told she would be watching from afar.

Kayce and Oakley hadn't really spoken much since her little statement of him being scared of his father last night. He had gone into the twin's bedroom for a while and Oakley wasn't sure when he came back. But when she was woken up for the next feeding round, Kayce was on his side of the bed...about a foot in between them.

The only thing he told her when they both were in the kitchen earlier was to stay put and watch Tate. Oakley chose to simply nod her head instead of speaking, fearing she'd say something wrong again to Kayce and that's not what he needed right now.

She mentioned the investigation would come from the Attorney General's office, but Kayce had only nodded his head. Once his hat and coat were on, Kayce was gone. Oakley heard Tate's door open up and soon he was walking over to where she was sitting.

"Morning, Tot," Oakley let Tate crawl in next to her. "How did you sleep?"

"Good," Tate yawned. "Did Dad come home?"

"He did," Oakley nodded. "It was just really late...I was almost asleep even."

"Where is he?" Tate asked.

"He's down at the main house," Oakley sighed.

"With Grandpa?" Tate rubbed his eyes. "He's becoming governor today, right?"

Oakley honestly didn't know.

"Wait," Tate opened his eyes and looked up at Oakley. "What happened at Dad's office yesterday?"

Oakey brushed some of Tate's hair back.

"Tate...there's gonna be some deputies around the ranch for a little while," Oakley tried to figure out how to explain this to him. "They're gonna be looking into some things around here." 

"Why?" Tate looked confused.

"Because someone thinks some really bad things happened here," Oakley said. "And since they said those things out loud...the state officials have to investigate all of them...does that make sense?"

"What kind of things?" Tate asked.

"Not good things," Oakley rubbed her thumb across his cheek. "But don't worry'll all work out, okay?"

"Who said those things happened here?" Tate wondered.

"We don't know yet," Oakley shrugged. "But I bet we'll find out soon."

"Will Dad fix it?" Tate yawned again.

"I bet so," Oakley nodded. "He's good at that, huh?"

"The best," Tate's stomach grumbled, and he smiled at Oakley.

"Guess that means someone is hungry?" Oakley laughed, standing up and both of them headed into the kitchen.

Oakley was able to make Tate some pancakes before she heard the twins start to wake up. Oakley plated Tate's pancakes and handed him the syrup.

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