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—Author's POV

Midoriya got quite the scolding for being late, getting detention for himself in an instant as well including cleaning the classroom at Friday all alone.

The students all laugh at him while he was being 'put to his place'  and how ridiculously he looks with his messy hair, messier than usual, those circles around his tired eyes it made it more funny for the students.

He mumbled empty apologies and went to his seat while he made eye contact with Bakugo who just stare at him.

No scowl on his face or a nasty grin, he just stare at the greenette with a neutral look till the boy sat down somewhere further at the back of the class.


When the class ended the students waste no time to leave straight after the teacher exited.

And unlucky for Midoriya Bakugo did not stay behind and left with his so called 'friends' not even sparing a glance at the greenette but if he had done that then he would've seen how desperate and conflicted Midoriya look.

Time went on in school and Midoriya started to think the ash blond really just played him and nothing more.

But whenever he doubted the ash blond he remembered the boy blushing mess of a crying face under him while said boy kept clinging onto him the day before.

Calling his name desperately.


Slowly lunch break rolled over and Midoriya manage to grab a hold of Bakugo.


He yanked the ash blond into the boys bathroom after checking it's empty.

He got worried at first cause Bakugo was cussing, threatening and yelling!

But that was only till he saw it was Midoriya who done that so he got quiet in an instant just staring at the greenette.

"What is it?" Bakugo asked, his tone is a lot calmer but cold... not to Midoriya's liking, as if the ash blond is unhappy with him.

"Am... am sorry it's just... ah well... I dunno..." Midoriya mumbled embarrassed, he had nothing specific to say to Bakugo but he wanted to be near him or kind of just feel the ash blond is really with him... or something along the line like that, Midoriya still try to figure it out himself.

"... Then why the hell did you bring me here if you have nothing to say, huh?" Bakugo asked tone clearly annoyed but he is still not yelling.... not yet at least.

Midoriya's eyes widen staring at the floor clenching his fist beside himself, but then he looked up meeting the ash blond eyes that slightly glare at him.

They stare at one another, one glaring a bit and the other... well... as if he tried to read the ash blond ahead of himself.

Midoriya said nothing and walk close to Bakugo who backed up against the door...

But Midoriya did not stop.

He stood front of Bakugo who's cheeks slowly turn to a light pink colour with Midoriya so close to him.

The blond breath hitched staring at the younger...

His hands grabbed onto the greenette blazer while Midoriya leaned closer till their lips connected...!

They waste no time and they begin devouring each other, tasting the other's lips, slipping their tongues into the other mouth and tilting their heads to the side deepening the kiss as much as possible.

Bakugo only pulled on the nerd clothes more, pulling the boy closer to himself while Midoriya dared gripping his waist with his full strength.

"I-I missed you..." Midoriya mumbled into the kiss feeling embarrassed admitting his feeling but...

He wanted to say it.

He wanted Bakugo to know he missed him.

Even tho he was still debating with himself about his sudden irrational choices, but he couldn't help but want the ash blond.

It was like some strong drug, try it once and you get addicted to it.

And Bakugo's expressions and 'cute' behaviour was just like that kind of drug.

It was enough to see it once and get him hooked... he couldn't help it and with every passing by second he tried less and less harder to reason with himself about the bad side effects it could cause if he give into his urges.

Such as yanking the ash blond into the bathroom and making out with him to his heart content!

"Same here... I missed you Izuku..." the ash blond mumbled back and they locked lips again not letting the other breath.

...But that was only till someone suddenly with quite the power shove the door open...

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