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—Author's POV

"Uhm here, you also got a new seat." One of the 'extras' said as he give the ash blond who just entered his classroom a paper of the new seating arrangement.

He stare at the paper in hand clicking his tongue but his nerves got to him once he saw he seat is further in the back than Midoriya's now.

Who, looking at the paper in hand seem to have been moved up a couple seats towards the front.

No choice, Bakugo took his steps as nervousness filled his body even more.

Others glance at him and the moment they realise he is going to walk by Midoriya, they said their prayers for the ash blond, but of course only mentally.

The last thing they need is Midoriya getting upset over them showing some sort of emotion towards the ash blond, who in their minds is on the worst, not bad but worst side of Midoriya.

On top of the greenette's hate list is the blond, at least that's how they think and if he ends up disappearing, it's only going to be one less problem.

And so they watch, watch as the blond walk by Midoriya who's eyes stayed on the ash blond who did not dare to bring himself to look at his love.

But at least his love is staring at him.

Though Midoriya eyes felt like they're eating him up alive, a bone shivering feeling that made Bakugo feel happy.

He went to his seat, happy in his little head and drop his bag down on the floor by the desk then himself on his chair.

He cross his arms on his desk and put his chin down on it.

Staring at Midoriya a bit from behind who already has his face facing the ceiling but once the blond saw him slightly shifting he quickly hide his face in his arms.

He just couldn't face the teen right now... especially not with his intense dream still playing in his head.

'A dream...' he thought and bit his lip as he slowly moved his hand to caress over his dark bruise that decorates his neck.

It only made him blush more thinking back to it.

He pull on his own neck while still hiding his face in his other arm feeling embarrassed.

The unusually quiet room didn't really help him now, although usually he would be screaming at them to shut up...
Now he would prefer if they made some noise and wouldn't pay any attention to him whatsoever.

Just something that would take his mind away from his thoughts for now.

But the room felt like it got even quieter... but why?

And he could feel the eyes of many...

"Excuse me, Bakugo..."

A quiet whisper gained the blond attention, though he did not move and stayed still, rather he got stiff hearing the girl's voice.

He felt his heart beat faster...

'What will Izuku think?!' he thought as panic wash over him, his widen eyes staring at the table.

"The hell do you want?" He mumbled like he is tired and annoyed.

He isn't about to hit a harsh tone let alone yell at the girl front of Midoriya.

He took an undetected deep breath and push himself back, leaned in his chair slightly glaring at the girl but paying more attention to his one and only who did not seem to have changed his position from earlier.

"Thank you for lending me your jacket." Kaneko said as she gently place the jacket on the desk and a box of milk beside it.

"I didn't give you no fucking milk did I? It was that fucking bitch you fool." Bakugo said sending a glare towards kobayashi who already glare at the ash blond.

She bit her lip angrily and glance at Midoriya who as if he is in another world didn't acknowledge anything happening around him at all.


"So, *Gulp* I heard there had been an incident yesterday..." the teacher begin standing front of the class.

He glance at Midoriya who moved in his seat gaining everyone's attention.

Even the ones at the front who could not see the teen behind them, they could still tell from the rest of their classmates nervous expression and shift in air.

The green haired teen stare at the teacher, acknowledging the nervouse man standing at the front.

"S-so, as I was saying... it is not tolerated to bully, bully your own classmates, it's not accepted whatsoever." The teacher said drying his forehead with a cloth napkin.

"One, one should not pry on the other, and-and if you have any i-issues, anything that's bothering you then please uhm please talk to one of us, an-an adult I mean." He added.

He glance at Midoriya, the teen gaze made him shiver.

Those cold eyes that stare at him like he is ready to murder him if he messes up put the man on the spot.

"R-right, also uhm Kobayashi, your, your behaviour is unacceptable, and as for your punishment, you have detention a-after school for the next three weeks..." the man said.

"What?!" The girl yelled as she got up from her desk.

The man adjust his glasses.

"You heard me... if you keep this up it will be even longer, now if-if you all excuse me I'll be leaving." Said the teacher with one last confirming glance at the curly haired teen who give the teacher a subtle nod and in response the male almost ran out of the classroom.

Leaving the students stunned, but all the more assured not to mess with their villain like classmate...

Midoriya Izuku.

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