Read it Or Leave it

380 11 5

< Short Notice >

Due to some personal reasons I'm only able to use the internet for a few seconds, long enough to post these chapters.

•No, do not worry, I'm perfectly fine it's more of a money issue if that make sense which I'm sure some of you will understand and unfortunately will be able to relate to as well.

•Relating to this manner I'll not be able to reply to comments which I have recieved previously or will get on this post or other chapters.
But once I'm able to use everything more freely, I'll make sure to reply as soon as I can.

•Hopefully this state won't last too long.

☆I hope you all also know I very much apreaciet the comments and votes!♡

☆And it makes me really happy to know many of you are reading my story, hope you all enjoy yourselves with it.

•If there's anything that's confusing please feel free to comment here and ask.

(Once I'm able to reply to comments I might refuse to give answers to some of you as I'll not spoil the story, sorry not😊 but feel free to ask if you really want, I'm just letting you know to be prepared)

•If you can't understand something or the way I write made something hard grasp feel free to comment.
(And like I said I'm open to being corrected as English is not my first language).

📍Though I'm uncertain when I'll be able to respond to the comments whether it's a question or compliment or grammar related.

(Thought I post this so you guys don't assume I'm ignoring you all here or come up with the idea that I'm dropping the story, which is not the case, so don't worry).

🌸I hope you all have a lovely day or night! Bye, bye~👻

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