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—Author's POV

The bell rang and the students turned wild leaving the class to go have lunch.

Not having Midoriya in school made almost everyone feel... feel so...

So light and warm, like they are free!

Bakugo kick his chair as he stare at the girl leaving the class and after her a bunch of girls like hyenas stalking their prey.

He knew.

He knew Kaneko is in big, big trouble.

Midoriya is not in, she isn't safe now.

Hanging out with Midoriya even though it's clear that Kobayashi isn't happy about it made the short girl a target.

And their target is without a guard today.

But did Bakugo care?
Not a chance.

If anything he wanted the girl dead and gone, gone far, far away from his love.

As well as out of his way that leads to Midoriya.

"Damn... have you heard?" One of the 'extras' that follow the blond said as their talk begin with curiosity and gossip.

"If you tell me I'll."

"Oh shut up, anyways... apparently the girls are up to something crazy behind the school~"

That got most of the guys attention in hunger.

"D- *Swallow* do you mean like sexy crazy??~"

"Fool!... they going to beat up shorty."

"Oh that..."

"Come on dude... anyone could tell."

They stroll to the cafeteria talking about how obvious it was, and how it was bound to happen sooner or later.

Though seemingly Kaneko had no reaction to it at all, but everyone guessed she must have still known it was going to happen.

'She should've just skipped school as well'

Is what Bakugo thought going to get his food.

Not that he want her alive but she should have known this was going to happen so it makes no sense that she came to school.

Did Midoriya not tell her?

Did he not text her?

They seem close no matter how irritating it is for the blond to admit it, so it makes no sense that she had not been told before hand.

But oh well, it isn't his problem.

She should've stay far away from his Midoriya.


Bakugo stroll out of the building leaving his 'friends' behind at the cafeteria.

They got on his nerves per usual so he got up and left.

He is already annoyed not knowing what's going on with his love and those extras dare to add to his annoyance further more.

He sip his milk through the straw that's poked into the box that he holds, his left hand like usual shoved into his trousers pocket strolling with a bored expression on his face.

He barely got in a couple bites before those losers in there took away his appetite completely.

He stroll around as the wind blew through his spikes, he didn't necessarily enjoy the cold but right now it felt nice, especially with how he didn't run into anyone.

Wanting to get away from the noisy idiots this turned out to be the best choice.

He stroll staring at the ground.
The calmest he has been in a while.

"-you bitch! You better understand me!"

Bakugo didn't bother stopping as he heard the yelling.

"Just stay the hell away from MY Izu-chan!"

Yep... that pissed Bakugo off, so he did not turn around like how the thought had begin crossing his mind, oh no and instead he continued on his path forward...

He wanted to be alone, truly, but that 'but' exist in his head.

And it's coming straight after him wanting to be alone and in peace for once.

"I don't even get why you keep clinging to his side or how it could even happen?! You must've fucking bad mouth me or some shit didn't you?! You bitch!"

The blond knew that one made no sense.

Midoriya whether he has his memories or not would definitely not like someone who tries getting closer to him by acting cool or by bad mouthing someone else.

All in all, he also had heard what had happen.

He was told about the whole story.

How Midoriya got pissed and how he grip the girl wrist telling her not to ever touch him again.

So she made the trouble for herself.

He stopped, staring at the group of girls glaring down at a drenched Kaneko on the ground by the wall leaning against the school building.

Her hair a mess, she clearly been pushed around, her left cheek red, been slapped.

Her clothes a bit messy as well, like they pulled on her quite hard, just straight up tormenting her.

"You freaky bitch, I let you hang around me and you dare to back stab me you useless piece of-"

Kobayashi yelled as she crouch front of the small girl while gripping her hair.

But before she could slap Kaneko a box slammed against her head spilling milk all over her.

A few quiet gasps filled the air and everything just turned quiet.

Kaneko glance over to the side staring at Bakugo who stare with such a bored gaze... yet as if he could kill anyone with cold blood.

The blond shoved his other hand into his pocket as well while Kobayashi slowly looked over to him with tears pricking the corner of her eyes.

The girls behind her weren't standing all tough and high now.

After all Bakugo is insane too, and Midoriya isn't in today...

So, just who knows what the blond will do with his 'tormentor' gone and out of his way for the day...?

"W-why?" Kobayashi whispered letting go of the girl hair, the milk soaking into her clothes and hair.

"Get fucking lost before I blow you up."

Oh how that sounded like the old Bakugo who in an instant would threat anyone to no degree.

Those good old days...

Kobayashi glare at the ash blond, but regardless she got up and with the girls on her toe she quickly scurry away with them...

Leaving Bakugo and Kaneko,

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