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(Song: I feel like I'm drowning~ Two Feet)
(Or the Song: No church in the wild~ Jay-Z)
Her legs got wobbly as he moved his hips and shortened their distance.
She felt his body, felt it through the thin fabric of the tight dress.
Desire spread through her veins as he looked up and laughed roughly.
"You can dance quite well, new girl."
"New girl? I'm not entirely new, you know?"
"I wouldn't call four month into town a local."
"You're right. Not a local. But not new."
Normally Aresu didn't like buzz cuts— but wow, this guy was absolutely hot and rocked that style. He raised his arm to ruffle through his short hair and his muscles tensed.
The blonde hair shimmered in the disco lights, yet his eyes remained focused on her.
And only her.
The sweating bodies next to them drove her to move smoothly and close to him as well.
"You more like a summer or a winter person?" he asked.
"Definitely summer, and you?"
"Not a huge fan of the sun and sweat and all. But easier to move around. I'm getting bothered by think cloths."
"Yea felling the same. Good that it's summer now. I'm looking forward to having a wonderful vacation."
"Wanna make new experiences?"
"Yep. I also want to find the best spots of this city. I'm kind of still lost on where to find the best chilling spots," she admitted.
"Good you've found me, I know the best spots ever. I can kidnap you to see 'em if you'd like."
"Sure thing! But you more or less found me. You stumbled, not me," she said while grinning.
"Hm. Let's call it fate then, shall we?"
Aresu giggled and nodded fastly.
"Fate it is then."
"Later when the party's ending, you wanna go see a cool place nearby?"
„How close is nearby?" Aresu asked hesitantly, not fully knowing if his definition of "kidnapping" was meant to be funny.
"Five minutes only—Don't worry I'm not really kidnapping you," he added as if he could read her thoughts.
"Fine then, count me in!" She said and ignored that nagging feeling inside of her chest.
She was young and she was supposed to have fun.
Why not with him?
He seemed kind and he was hot.
Enjoy your live and stop being such a coward! She scolded herself and let herself to be consumed by the loud music.

 Enjoy your live and stop being such a coward! She scolded herself and let herself to be consumed by the loud music

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