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"Would you like to go swimming?" Aresu asked later that evening.
They had spent the whole day together after a significant amount of time was spent on trying to calm him and letting him sleep off his slip-from-reality-attack that had occurred this morning.
He had slept on her lap while she read her newest book and stroke his short hair.
"It's getting dark already. Look, the sun is setting."
"You want a night-swim?"
Aresu had no idea where she got that straight-forward attitude from but Rafe seemed to enjoy it.
"Alright, love. Butt we ought to head back to my place shortly. I gotta get dressed. But it's on the way so it doesn't make a huge difference."
"I won't wear any swimsuit either, Rafe."
"Is that an invitation?"
"What do you think it is?"

(Song: I wanna be yours~Arctic Monkeys)

They walked down the street and at some point Aresu felt weird with her hands just hanging at the side of her body. Yes, she was holding a towel but it did not make the awkwardness any less conflicting. And as if Rafe sensed the same, she felt him touching her hand and grabbing it. Aresu's heart jumped at the touch.
Just holding hands in public made her feel so utterly loved. It was so romantic, even more than their nighty meet-ups. This was official. This was true romance.
And she felt so proud to show that she was his.
She didn't know that Rafe had thought the exact same thing with the difference that he had took her hand when he saw her friends in the distance.
He hated them and despised their opinions but right now he held the hands of their friend and that made him feel utterly proud.
She was his.
And everyone should see it, especially those stupid friends of her. He respected her opinion about them, that did not mean that he had to like them.
Aresu saw them a little later and unconsciously wanted to draw her hand back, but Rafe held to it stronger and Aresu was forced to wink with her left hand instead.
"Now it is no secret anymore," Rafe whispered and smiled.
She nodded and followed his way.
When they passed them, Aresu greeted them kindly and told them that she was looking forward to their meet-up tomorrow afternoon.
She just ignored the disgusted, horrified and confused looks of her friends when they looked at Rafe.
"You two are together? Like together-together?" JJ asked and raised his eyebrows.
"Yea. We're together," said Grisu and smiled sweetly. She didn't want to confront her friends now but she hated the looks they gave Rafe.
"We have to go now. Have much fun, guys! See you all tomorrow."
And then they kept going. But Grisu felt their eyes on her back and she feared that their hate towards Rafe might spread to her. And at the same time she hated that they judged him like that.
She simply knew that she wouldn't.
She'd stay.
And right now she loved him.
After a short while they arrived at the beach, both taking off their shoes.
"Are we ready?" She teased him and offered her hand for him to take.
"Obviously, Grisu. Everything for my girl."

What they didn't know was that Rafe's father had already parked his car and watched their lovely encounter with hateful eyes. He did not get out of the car but rather observed.
When they begun walking down the beach, he slowly stopped the motor and sat back to continue watching them. And gosh, he was furious.
Both Aresu and Rafe didn't realize that they were watched and continued.
Gladly the beach was entirely empty.

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