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(Song: Can't tame her~ Zara Larson)

(Song: Can't tame her~ Zara Larson)

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The vase was already placed in the car when both of them decided it was time for a real shopping event

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The vase was already placed in the car when both of them decided it was time for a real shopping event.
"Soo... where do we go?"
"Heading towards the mall is the best I suppose. Saw plenty of shirts there."
"Kay," she said and jump-walked beside him.
She was nervous, happy and overall incredibly excited.

They walked through the stores and instead of showing him proper shirts she only grabbed the weird stuff and handed it to him.
It ended with him having to wear shirts with big fishes, flower pattern or fruits on it.
"My sister'll kill me, Grisu," he said while looking at his reflection in the mirror.
"Oh— I think the shark pattern is totally in right now. You look incredibly wonderful, Rafe. Just like a surfer boy."
He pushed out his tongue and laughed.
In the end they both ended up laughing and wheezing seeing Rafe in a bright pink shirt that said "I'm your daddy!" and bright yellow puffed sleeves.
"That's the one!" Grisu said while rubbing away her tears from laughing.
"I think so too, Grisu!"
They ended up finding a proper white shirt that made his muscles stand out perfectly.
The thing about Rafe was, he never closed the curtains of the cabin while dressing. He just dressed...right in front on Grisu.
And she saw his bare chest and those incredibly defined muscles.
And boy, that was enough to make her feel exposed.
"Are you sweating? Your face looks quite red," he mumbled and raised his eyebrows, oblivious to her beating heart.
"Sure. It's hot?" Her statement sounded more like a question.
He smiled and continued dressing.

"Thanks for today," Rafe said and bumped into her with his shoulder.
The sun was already about to set.

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"Wanna eat ice cream for the sake of an eventful and successful day?" He asked while looking at the dark sky

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"Wanna eat ice cream for the sake of an eventful and successful day?" He asked while looking at the dark sky.
"Oh yes I'd love to!"

They sat down at a tiny store and eagerly ate their cold ice.
How can someone look this hot eating a damn ice cream?!
Rafe thought and cursed. He shouldn't feel that way. She was a fucking enemy... she should be.
But he couldn't stop joking around with her. And oh gosh how much he loved it to make her laugh. It was magical!
She looked waaaay too cute while laughing. How her shoulders shivered, how her cheeks reddened and how openly she laughed with him.
She was in no way the naive and introverted girl he expected her to be.
She was easy to talk with, it was easy to laugh, and it was one of the best afternoons he ever had.
And he had shared it with her.
He tried to play it cool from the outside, bending his arms, playing with his muscles and ruffling his hair. From the inside he was jumping nervously like a little boy.
Or a bunny... a bunny it is.
He played with the sunglasses that laid on his short hair and watched her with kind eyes.
"What do you plan on doing after—" he asked, being interrupted by a passerby.
"Hey sugar. Hot body you got there. Care to share it?"
Grisu huffed annoyed and rolled her eyes. Being catcalled was one thing, it being done by weirdos that were much older than her was another.
Their lustful eyes sent shivers down her spine as she turned to scream any weird curse at them.
But well, she didn't even come to the screaming part when Rafe stood up and grabbed the man at the collar.
The man shrieked and tried to back away, but Rafe kept on holding him.
"What did you say, shithead? Come on lemme hear it again."
"I—nothing. I'm sorry. Let me go!"
Rave laughed bitterly and held even tighter.
"You will apologize, NOW!" He pushed him to the ground, kicked his head down with his foot and said something like: "You gotta learn some respect, dude," before he pulled him up again, raised his hand and—
Aresu was stunned, then she stood up and got between the two right before Rafe was able to hit him straight into the nose.
"He said disgusting things to you," Rafe stated and held up his hands apologizing.
The other guy fled stumbling.
Grisu didn't spare him any look.
She remained focused on Rafe's eyes. They seemed to be glowing with rage.
But Grisu wasn't sure why she trembled.
She was once again conflicted.
We're her friends right? Did he really have psychological problems and anger issues? Or was he simply overprotective?
"You could've hurt him badly, you know?"
"Why does is concern you? He was a total arsehole. I hate it when guys do that. Makes it look like we are all like it."
"Thanks for protecting me... or trying it. But don't hit random people!"
"Whatever you say."
He seemed pissed.
"Hey, I'm not mad or something. I was just... confused and slightly scared. Normally I just ignore them or scream back. I'm thankful for your attempt of helping me." She said while holding onto his tense shoulder.
"You are scared of me?" He looked frightened.
"Nah. I was scared of your actions. Not you. Let's drive back, shall we?"
He nodded and smiled.

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