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(Song: Slow Down~ Chase Atlantic)
As they lay there, she could practically see the hornyness radiating off of Rafe. Desire and lust made the air rustle.
It was so intense that she felt the sensation burn her lower abdomen and spreading towards her legs. She moved a bit, touching his leg with her angled knee.
The touch felt like a poison. A toxic drug that made her mind feel fuzzy.
Unconsciously she noticed herself drawing in a soundly breath.
He smiled and caressed her cheeks.
"You're making me crazy," he said in a raspy voice and moved closer.
As his lips touched hers it just felt right. It was wonderful and perfect.
She kissed him back, clawing her fingers over his back, exposing his skin beneath the T-shirt.

Rafe fastly removed his shirt, beginning to fumble with hers. Her soft touch made him scream internally. His member began to grow and it almost hurt having to hide it in his tight trousers.
He eagerly pushed back his lust, not wanting to rush her, but she willingly obeyed. She leaned into the touch, opened her arms and pulled him closer.
His ribcage touched her tender boobs and as her hard nipples brushed over his skin, he couldn't hold back any longer. He bend down and pushed her deeper into the pillows, revealing her long neck. He slowly kissed her soft skin, licking at it, sucking at it, kissing it harshly, until small red dots appeared. That sight of him marking her, aroused him even more. He smiled at his work, bent down again and slowly opened the ribbon that held her trousers in place. The soft pyjama fabric glid through his fingers as he pulled it off.
She seemed a little bit ashamed of her laying so extremely revealed and that thought made him feel uneasy. She shouldn't feel that way, she was beautiful and she should know that!
Slowly he let his hands glide down her soft skin until they rested on her thighs.
Looking at her eyes so full of shame but at the same time lust, he bent down and begun to kiss the insides of her thighs.
"Shall we recreate those scenarios? I want you. And I want your body. I want your soul and your obedience. I want you to love me. And I want you to love what I am about to do," he said before he pulled her legs a little wider and begun to move his tongue in a circular motion.
He felt Aresu tensing under his touch while he continued and went over that sensitive point over and over again, sometimes rarely touching it, other times voluntarily penetrating it.
Aresu's legs shivered under his motions and her hands gripped into his hair-stubbles.
And then she twitched and he knew he succeeded.
He wiped his mouth, bent forward and locked their fingers.
Grisu's lips were red and plump as she drew him closer, locked his back with her legs and whispered: "Now it's your turn."
"Are you sure?" He asked, his head turned sideways.
And then she pulled his abdomen closer with her legs, spread her legs and waited for him.
And he obeyed. He pushed down, firstly gentle and then sudden and fast.
And unexpectedly it didn't hurt at all.
She felt him inside of her, and the mere thought of it aroused her.
Rafe moved in a beautiful rhythm, moving his hips and locking their lips together. Her hands wandered over his chest, his stubbles, his cheeks.
The dim lights of the room colored them in a warm light.
"I'm able to take you deeper, that is—if you risk to drown," Aresu whispered and the corner of her lip twisted upwards.
"Aresu, I'd bury myself alive for you. I'd suffocate willingly, aroused by your presence and your demeaning eyes."
"How selfish of you," she said and moaned when he moved faster.
"Selfish? I'd pull you under with me, darling. Don't you dare think I'd leave you. I'm possessive with things I love."
And he pushed down again, making her sink deeper into the cushions and revealing her loudest moan yet.
And he shivered as well, a light moan escaping his very lips and letting the hair on Aresu's arm stand up.
His pleads and voice cracks were the true flex for her.
She... she was able to make him sound like that.
And oh lord, how immensely that power over him made her feel so very close of coming.
"I'm coming," she said, touched his hair and pulled him closer.
Little did she know that Rafe himself also came at the very same moment.
It was as if every bone, every atom within him was igniting, set ablaze by a multiversal fire, filling him with searing lust. It felt as though Rafe's molecules were dispersing with reckless abandon before reassembling in a disorienting whirlwind, stitching himself back together in a hazy blur of events.
It was purely magical. Never before had he come that fast, and never before had it felt that intense.

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