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"What do you think I should do?" She asked him later on.
They laid in Rafe's new apartment. It was 3am.
After the incident they had left the party, mostly because Aresu was too conflicted to further vibe to the music any longer.
"Forgive him."
"So easily?"
"He's human. He makes mistakes. I did. Dad did. You do. He does."
"I just feel so betrayed. I thought this whole thing was finally over."
"I know," he said, kissing the tip of her nose.
"What do you want?" He asked.
"I want it all to be like before I found out. Before he told me."
"He apologized."
"Why aren't you mad?" She asked and looked at their intertwined fingers.
"I am, but I know how it feels like to do things you later on regret. It doesn't make the situation better, but it is the first step."
"I'm so confused," she wriggled closer and breathed in the deep typical Rafe-scent of ocean and summer.
"I can't tell you what's right or wrong. I just know that he was being honest. Not that I don't hate him, I do, but he deserves a second chance, just as I did." His chin touched her soft hair.
"You're right."
"But let him regret a while longer before you call him, he deserves that," Rafe said and giggled. Aresu knew that he was jealous because of the kiss. She could see that he wanted her to hate him but tried to be as neutral as possible.

(Song: Just the way you are~ Bruno Mars)
(Or the Song: Water Fountain~ Alex Benjamin)

Aresu smiled and hugged him under the light blanket. The fabric of his T-shirt was soft and warm against her skin as she nuzzled into it and eventually fell asleep.

They stayed like that the whole night, cuddled together and buried under the blankets and pillows.
In the morning beautiful fresh light filled the room and tickled their noses.
A soft breeze entered the room like a wake-up call, stroking their tired limbs and intertwined legs.
Under her heavy eyelids shone a red light and the very first things she realized was the smell she held so very close and dearly to her heart. She wanted to drown in it, hug it, wake up to it every morning.
His soft fingers brushed over her cheek and she smiled sweetly, her eyes still closed.
Soft touches stroke strands of her hair behind her ears.
Soft fingers touched her plump lips, brushed them sweetly.
Soft fingers intertwined with hers.
Sweet lips brushed hers.
Aresu smiled against the kiss and opened her eyes as they parted.
They looked at each other, hips pressed close, hands locked, drowning in the other's presence.
"I got to wake sleeping beauty," he whispered proudly.
"Very well done."
This moment was very quiet.
Very slow.
The soft wind blew above them, creating a beautiful atmosphere of softness and innocence.
Nothing had to be said, nothing had to be done.
It was just right.
Grisu bent her neck and placed a swift kiss on the tip of his nose.
He did the same, until they lay there, kissing again, drowning in the sweetness of their tongues.
Their hands traveled over their bodies, made their skin shiver, their hearts burning.
It was no lust, no desire. It was soft and simply lovely.
The blanket surrounded them like a cocoon, wrapping them together as if to show: It's still early. Don't get up yet. There's plenty of time.
And they obeyed.
There was nothing they hid from another.
Nothing that stood between them.
Their bodies pressed so close, there was nothing that could interfere. It was a symbol.
As if they understood, they wanted to be united, wanted to be one.
The outside had no place in their relationship.
The sound of the waves sounded hollow in his room, the wind blowing the white curtains as they sat up, bodies still tightly locked.
Aresu opened her eyes again and the morning light made them glimmer. Rafe touched her cheek, caressed it, looked at her and fell in love once again and all anew.
There wasn't one thing both of them would change.
It was amazing. Just the way it was.
The whole world stopped and stood still for a while.

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