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Her fate was bittersweet and cruel.
Mostly cruel.
Well—exceptionally like a wing-man kind of cruelty.
Her mom had ordered Grisu to buy a new vase for her flowers and because both of her parents had to use the cars to drive to their jobs, she had to drive with bus. The hot, dirty, sticky bus.

(Party monster~ The Weeknd)

She wore her new purple dress with the puffed sleeves and the flower print. It suited her incredibly well. Stressed and way to tired to do anything special with her hair, she simply tied it back in a messy bun.
Waiting for the bus, she let her thoughts get carried away by the blasting music of her headphones.
It was indeed a vibe. The sunglasses were, the dress as well and especially the intense heat that surrounded her. But she wouldn't complain about an air conditioner right now.
What a coincidence that a driving one just passed by.
"Grisu heeeeyyyy!" He yelled and waved at her.
He stopped his car right in front of her.
"You on your way to the city?" He asked and raised his eyebrows.
He drove a yellow cabriolet.
She took out her right headphone and nodded.
"Come in, join me. I'm headed to the city as well. Gotta find a good shirt for my sisters graduation party."
"Oh that would be wonderful! I'm not really looking forward of driving by the bus."
Aresu smiled widely and took a seat next to him.
"Great coincidence."
The sun shone brightly on their heads as they drove through the chilly wind. The blasting music of the jukeboxes made the car vibrate as Rafe sang along the music and head-banged a couple of times. A few times Grisu was scared he might end up forgetting to drive being too invested to the music. His driving style was a little bit wild but at that time Aresu didn't mind.
She was too focused on taming her untamable heart.
As they drove on the highway, she smiled widely, raising her arms into the breeze.
It was as if she was able to feel the salt on her limbs and hair. The air here always smelled and tasted salty.
It made her feel like being in a two week holiday.
"Enjoying the breeze?" He said and grinned.
"Yea. I love the salty air around here. Where I come from, the ocean is nowhere near."
"Where do you come from?"
"Actually a small village in Germany. It's quite unspectacular."
"Long journey it was then. Are you alright being so far away from your old home?"
"I've gotten used to it and I found wonderful friends here."
"Wonderful friends you say?" He raised his eyebrow.
"I'm actually wondering," Aresu started "You normally distance yourself from my friend group and only hang out with the Kooks. Never with the Pogues."
"They are a way under my standard."
Aresu felt weird.
What a dick-ass! Under his standard?!
He couldn't be any more proud and arrogant.
"Ah. So you are too cool to hang around with us?"
"Nah, not all of you. I'm hanging out with you, ain't I?"
Aresu smiled and felt conflicted.
Arrogant on one hand but so charmant on the other.
Fuck her little heart that decided such behavior is hot!
But he indeed was.
It was the way he grinned, moved his hand to lay carelessly on the window  and how his sunglasses hung low, so he could fixate her with his light eyes.
His muscles tensed under his sun kissed skin.
And her heart once again betrayed her common sense. He rolled her eyes, giggled and answered: "Who says I'm not like them? I like my friends."
"Well, I don't have to like your friends. I'm good enough with liking you. And I do like you, Grisu. You're funny."
"..." it was silent for a while and Aresu tensed.
Wonderful, all she apparently was, is an object of amusement for Rafe.
"You're more than just that, though," he mumbled, too shy to speak louder against the breeze.
But Grisu heard it and blushed.
Or did she mishear it?
"We're almost there! What do you need for your mum?" (She had explained that she was on her way for her mom during the ride.)
"A vase. It'll be best if I go to the store down the street. But I don't wanna bother you. You can just search for your own stuff."
"I thought you'd help me pick out a proper shirt?"
"Do you want me to?"
"It was an invitation," he said and ruffled through his short hair. He looked kinda...nervous?
"Alright then."


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