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(Song: starwalking~ Lil Nas X)
The lights of the colorful light-bulbs filled the yard. All dark leaves swinging in the hot air. The chill of the night seemed to never come caused by the heat of sunlight.
Two weeks had passed, so did the rain and the pain.
It seemed almost forgotten by Rafe and Aresu. Their hearts once again beating in the same rhythm. Beating for another, fitting together perfectly.
Rafe had found a new little apartment right between the Pogues and Kooks. And he felt cleaner and healthier than ever before.
Grisu practically lived with him, considering the amount of nights they spent together either planned or simply because Aresu was too tired to walk home or out of pure laziness.
Well, often Rafe did pull her back into bed whenever she wanted to walk back.
Now they stood in the yard of Aresu's friend.
A birthday party.
JJ's party. And Rafe had been invited.
The lights wandering on the walls, shining colorful and bright.
Grisu held onto Rafe, their chests pressed together and eyes lost in the whirlwind of colors, sweating bodies and loud music.
Alcohol had made their worries lessen, their limbs loosen and their embarrassment lowering to zero. And so they danced, happily pressed together and drowning in their kisses right when the beat dropped.
The rhythm of the music groovy and slightly sexual. The tension made the air shiver as they openly showed their couple-status.
Grisu laughed, the head thrown back to the neck, her lips swollen from the rough and lustful kisses. Her cheeks glimmered red from exhaustion, her cloths hanging limply on her. But her feet not yet tired of dancing.
Rafe felt similar, grabbed her waist, spun her around and danced in his very sexual and special way. Hips moving in circles, bringing her closer, teasing her and pushing their hot tongues together in hasty moments of lust.
Sometimes he raised his muscular arms, moving them around weirdly to entertain Aresu. And it worked. She fell in love with every crazy and sexy movement he showed to her.
Oh gosh, he loved her laughs, that wide smile, these small dimples, these long eyelashes, those green eyes, the puffy red hair, the slim body, the sound of her laughter and most of all, he loved her freedom.
The kindness, the wildness. He loved it all.
He felt like an utmost idiot next to her but he enjoyed it, making her shine like stars in the disco light.
They grabbed each others hands, jumping in the air, barely catching their breaths, lost in each other's eyes.

Hot wind made the leaves flutter in the breeze, the salty air making their hair stiff

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Hot wind made the leaves flutter in the breeze, the salty air making their hair stiff.
"I fancy you," he said and spun her around, her feet barely touching the ground.
She giggled and threw her hands around him.
"Same here, Rafe."

(Stop the song or continue imagining the vibe)
(Song: Heavy in your arms~Florence+the Machine->:) )

Later that evening, Aresu was sitting beside JJ when Rafe decided to get them something new to drink.
She chatted with him while both teased each other by pushing into the soft part of their waists.
"I'm glad both of you showed up," he said and looked into her deep eyes.
"It's your birthday. Of course we would."
"So, you two have figured it out? Completely?"
"Yes. Thanks to all of you."
"That's a shame."
Aresu straightened her posture, confused by his statement.
"What do you mean?" Her brows were knitted together.
JJ's eyes glistened with multiple emotions.
Hate? Disgust? Jealousy?
"You're jealous," she said, always good at reading facial expressions.
"I am. I had hoped that you would leave him after the...conflict."
Aresu went silent while a weird feeling krept up her spine. It felt...dangerous.
"I tend to be irresponsible and don't think about the consequences of my actions... as you know."
"I know," she said.
She knew that he always spoke his mind, even if it was hurtful. He was also not very good with emotions and comforting others.
"But I am loyal to my friends and would do anything for them," he said, ruffling through his hair.
"You are," Aresu said but her voice seemed stiff.
He leaned closer, watched her for a moment and his lips brushed hers. They felt dry and foreign on hers.
His hand seized her wrist as he pulled her closer, his tongue sliding into her mouth. His touch somewhat hurt. It was rough.
Her veins froze in place. It didn't particularly felt bad, it was just... wrong.
She was frozen in place. But in a hasty moment she backed away and covered her lips with the back of her hand. Her wrist was a little red from his grip.
"Why are you so tense, love? I just wanted to confess."
"I prefer you hadn't."
"But I wanted to. My dad abused me. He's a drug addict, just as Rafe. I know what those people are capable of doing, Grisu. They are not well for you. Because of him violence is very familiar to me."
"I know JJ. But what does that have to do with Rafe?"
"You're too good for him. I fancy you! I deserve you."
He spoke of deserving? Was she nothing but a mere prize? Deserving?
"I'm sorry JJ, but you know I love Rafe. I cannot change those feelings."
She smiled awkwardly, not knowing how she should respond to that. She must've been mistaken. Her JJ would not say such a thing, nor think of it. He probably was just bad at expressing what he felt... at least she hoped so.
"I hoped my actions would change them."
"What actions?" The blood seemed to freeze once again in Aresu's veins.
What was he talking about?
"I told him—Ward where you guys were heading after we saw you on the street. I had to confess now. I feel kinda guilty."
"You did what?!"
"You not loving me is such a shame! I've been in love with you all this time. I respect your relationship... well that was a lie, I don't—But understand me, please."
"You told Ward where he could find us? To make pictures of us to extort us?!" Aresu's voice was stiff and incredibly cold.
"We had the same goal. To separate you and Rafe."
Aresu closed her eyes in denial. That had to be a dream. It just had to be.
"That's not for you to decide," she hissed and looked at him with furious eyes. They seemed numb, almost dead.
"I'm sorry. When I saw how hurt you were because of it I regretted it. I acted too rashly. I am sorry. But Rafe is just like my father! He's no good."
"It was you...this is so messed up..."
"Can you look at me please?" His voice shivered.
"But you do understand that what you did was wrong, right? You do realize why I am freaking confused and angry right now?!" She stood up, raising her voice.
"Kind of..."
"KIND OF?! You sided with Rafe's father! You told him to take freaking pictures of us!"
"I regret that part—"
At this point all people in the yard watched them.
Rafe walked up to them, having seen and heard it all.
He stood behind Aresu, both watching JJ in utter confusion and betrayal.
Aresu's friends had widened their eyes, also looking absolutely bewildered.
"I'm sorry. I just wanted to be honest with you. I truly regret it. Can we... can we please stay friends. I—I did never want to hurt you. I was just so-so jealous and I envied you. I did it for you. So you wouldn't suffer under... him."
"I know... I understand your intention but you were never in the position to decide for me. I don't hate you but I need time. You did something I cannot simply forget."
"I know." He walked up closer, wanting to hold her hand. But her swollen wrist shivered.
All she saw was the hand she had grabbed while crying her eyes out for Rafe. A hand that had betrayed her while claiming to help. Backstabber...
Rafe had seen her facial expression and pushed the hand aside, shielding her.
"We will go now. She will tell you when she's ready to talk to you again."

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