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(Song: Right here~ Chase Atlantic)
Sarah had grabbed Rafe's hand and squeezed it firmly.
"Wake up," she said and looked at his cracked lips and swollen eyes. His cheek was deep red. Ward had hit him. Just as Rafe had hit Grisu...
As he opened his bloodshot eyes all she could see was fear and pain.
But before he could say anything, Ward entered the room and looked at Sarah.
"The traitor's back, I see. Creeping back like a little coward? I'm not a welfare association."
"I'm not here to be part of your messed up family again. Delete the pictures! And do it now!"
"You threatening me?" He said with a weird hollow sound coming out of his throat. Sarah noticed too late that it was a laughter.
"You're laughing? It's freaking stalking what you did there! That's not legal!"
"That's not why you're here, am I right?" Ward said and looked at Rafe who was still sitting on the couch, his eyes unseeing, his hands shivering violently.
"It's only half of it. The other half is what I'm about to do now!" She grabbed Rafe's hand and pulled him to his feet. Rafe suddenly woke up out of his trance and saw himself standing side to side with Sarah.
Sarah, who he had betrayed.
Sarah who had what he couldn't bring himself to. A new family. A new life. Freedom from dad.
He looked at her in shock and guilt.
He was ashamed.
"Let him free," Sarah said and her gaze seemed freezing.
"As if he weren't already!" Ward said and chuckled again.
"Set him free for gods sake! Stop your narcissistic manipulation! Stop your goddamn lies and promises! You never loved him! You use him! You betray him! You hurt him! End it, now!"
"Do you suddenly like him?"
"OF COURSE I DO! He's my brother! I broke free because I couldn't take it anymore. You were there for me and did not even recognize how much he did for you and still does! When I escaped I thought you would maybe give him the attention and love he deserves but you did not! You continued with it all and you destroy his very change of becoming independent! You ask yourself how he became like that but it's all you taught him! It's all your fault and your creation! You created him that way and I'm telling you: Let him go!"
"Sarah..." Rafe mumbled, tears stinging his eyes.
"I-I do not deserve that. I hurt her—"
"And I hate you for that. But you can still fix it. She loves you and I see how much it improves your health and mindset."
"She does..."
And something seemed to snap inside of him.
"Another decision, son. Her or me. Again," Ward said and opened his arms as to offer him a hug.
All he ever wanted.
Recognition, love, approval.
He wanted to sink into them so so badly...
But Sarah held him back, her soft hand caressing his palm.
It's a lie.
He's doing it again.
His inner voices screamed at him and for the first time he could listen to them. He could follow their orders.
He took a step back.
"You hurt me, dad. Again and again and again. You-you are playing with my feelings and trust. I only am your son when I fulfill your orders. I'm your puppet on the strings! I'm a toy for your amusement and plans... and I finally understand your tactic. But now I can resist."
Ward had not expected that. He looked utterly shocked, his arms sinking to lay lifeless next to his hip. Dangling there like broken flowers.
"You're betraying me?"
"No. I'm just beginning to realize that you have no power over me. Not anymore. I'll set myself free. I love her and I love you as my dad. But I won't let you interfere in my love-life. That's beyond your decisions as a father."
"You won't have a home to return to, if you decide for her."
"I'm deciding for freedom. And if that means to leave you then yes, I'll gladly also leave home! I love her and I don't want to become like you! And she changes me! And it's good that she does! I'm done with you! I'm done with this bullshit and I can't take it anymore! You're a sickness, a cancer. And you're spreadin' through my veins like poison. But today I'm gonna remove the root of it!"

Sahra smiled next to him, her firm grip grounding him, promising him the future.

It was done.
He was free...
And it was Aresu who started the end of the war. It was Sahra who passed him the sword. It was him to took the final blow.

What they did not know:
Aresu had watched it and had seen it all. She had seen and understood. And she had forgiven.

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