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It was later that night, she had spent the whole day helping out her friends building a little cottage in their yard.
And the day had been hot. Her cloths were sticking to her skin and her hair had been tied up in a desperate try to find some coolness.
After the attempt of creating that cottage they all laughed at the crookedness of it. The roof being overall completely loop-sided. The four walls never in a perfect 90 degree angle. And she didn't even want to look at their horrible attempt of creating rectangular windows.
It looked...pathetic.
Looking at that horrific creation, they sat onto the grass and ate watermelon to clear their minds from the frustration that set in. The first storm would definitely blow the whole thing away. Immediately.
The door couldn't even open properly without someone pulling like a mad man on it. What's more is that the roof-tiles randomly fell down, whenever you achieved of opening the door.
Let's call the hut simply—fragile...
After that exhausting day she went home and immediately stepped into the shower to wash away all the dirt and sweat.
The warm water indeed washed away the tense feeling she had felt the whole day and it made her thoughts wander.
When would she see him again? Or would she see him again at all?
She wrapped her hair into a towel, dressed into her Pyjamas and walked out of the room. It smelled fresh and clean, leaving her with a comfy sensation in her bones.
She settled down on the bed, scrolling through her phone and the messages from her friends.
She clicked on the group chat, only to see that the hut was already falling apart, half of the left wall standing in a very dangerous angle.
In the left corner JJ smiled weirdly and pointed at the wall as if the problem wasn't already veeery visible. Well, the problem was actually the whole cottage itself.
Grisu involuntarily laughed out loud and saved the image in her gallery.
Gosh, she loved her friends so so deeply. She hadn't moved around due to the fixated job of her parents. Saying goodbye to her old friends had been incredibly hard and the fear of not fitting in had always stuck with her. But now it was different. She had found the Pogues, had begun to love them and started a wonderful friendship. It was by far the best summer she had experienced till now. And she was sure that college would be just wonderful with all of those wonderful people around. And never would she even think about ending their friendship. Right now her life seemed perfect.
Except for the little uncertainty of what relationship she had with Rafe.
She had wanted to ask her friends for advice but rather did not. Her friends hated him. And they had reasons to... what if they begun to hate her for her actions as well?
For her falling for the enemy.
But then she reminded herself that she didn't live in a romance book and that there was no such "enemy" in real life.
And her friends were part of her life but did not decide of what she did with it.
And so she kept quite.
Forgetting the time while scrolling on Insta she didn't pay attention to her surroundings until she heard a little knock on her window and almost jumped because of it.
It was almost 1am and who the hell would knock on her window on the second floor.
She stood up and grabbed a water bottle from the drawer.
At least she hoped to gain just a little bit of protection.
Slowly she arrived, pushed aside the curtains and shrieked out loud, the water bottle stretched out to strike.
Actually the whole situation was kind of confusing, because the person that climbed up the veranda was in fact also shrieking because of her sudden movement.
Both looked into each other's eyes though the glass.
"What did you want to do? Kill me with a fucking water bottle?!" He hissed and tapped on the glass as if to show her to open it.
She did in fact open it and whispered: "Why are you on our roof? I almost had a heart attack!"
Rafe stumbled into the room, accidentally kicking her books to the ground.
He lay on her rug, all limbs weirdly twisted to the sides, warped in the light blue curtain.
She laughed at this view and helped him to stand up again.
"It's 1 am, Rafe. What are you doing here?"

(Song: Chasing cars~ Fleurie)

"I missed you," he said and held up a tiny violet flower. All petals looking like little heart shaped love-signs.
Grisu smiled awkwardly and laid the flower between two sides of her favorite book. The very book he just threw to the floor.
"Thank you, but we just met the day before yesterday. It's not like you can miss me that greatly," she mumbled.
"Well I did. What have you been up to? Haven't seen you all day long."
"Been helping my friends. What about you, other than climbing on random persons roofs in the middle of the night?"
"You aren't just a random no one to me, Grisu. Really—you aren't."
"Okay? Thanks." She didn't really know how to respond, other than smiling stupidly and wondering what made her heart flutter that much.
And oh gosh, her heart seemed to fly away. She felt almost weightless and everything seemed so so easy with him around.
The world shimmered in the most beautiful colors and right at that moment she seemed to realize that it was much more than a simple crush.
She had truly fallen for him. For his smile. For his sassy attitude and especially his wild eyes.
Never before had the world shimmered that intensely, never before had she witnessed that feeling deep inside her chest.
It was as if a warm fire spread inside her and filled every single joint and muscle, until it made her glow in a bright light.
And she didn't even mind that he saw her like that, in her silly Pyjamas and in her unorganized room and in her private space, because that's exactly where he belonged. Right here at her side.
At this realization she smiled even wider, stretched out her hand and got onto her tip toes to kiss him.
His lips against hers felt perfect and finally complete. That was it... that was what she had missed without realizing. It was the incompleteness, the one she now had fixed.
He kissed her back, pulling her closer and running his hands gently over her stretched back.
"I missed you too, Rafe," Aresu finally said.
Rafe's eyes glimmered and shined.

He felt thrilled, but not sexually thrilled, no, right at this moment, he felt simply drawn to her. And he knew he loved her and would ever do so. She made him feel so... complete.
Oh, how badly he wanted to catch that moment and never let go of it.

Continue with the song a little bit while looking at the picture and simply imagine the vibe :)

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Continue with the song a little bit while looking at the picture and simply imagine the vibe :)

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