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(Song: Daylight~David Kushner)
"You cold?" He asked and laid his arm around her shoulders.
Aresu shrieked in response and Rafe laughed loudly. His voice echoed on the stone walls.
The cave wasn't big, but the stone they took a seat on was quite comfortable. They let their bare feet tangle into the ocean beneath them. The pond was incredibly dark. Aresu normally would never let her feet hang down there in the fear of some random fish nibbling on it. But firstly she wanted to act fearless and cool, and secondly she didn't mind when he was here with her. She felt somehow protected.
She looked at the silhouette next to her and smiled.
His eyes were focused on the water and he looked like a renaissance painting.
"There! It begins! You gotta look!"
She turned her head and was flabbergasted. The water turned golden. It was as if it transformed into gold.
Aresu could see the stones and algae in the clear water, she saw the tiny fish and she saw the light of the water painting glimmering pictures on the wall.
It was beyond beautiful.
The let out the breath she forgot she held in the whole time.
The warm skin of his arm seemed to glow the same as the pond infront of her.
"It's beautiful!" She said and couldn't stop looking at the water.
"The sun truly brings wonders," he mumbled and his dark voice filled the cave with echoing.
Aresu didn't realize that Rafe was not looking at the ocean but rather at her.

He looked at her with deep eyes and a small smile on his perfectly curved lips. The heat suddenly didn't bother him at all. If it meant keeping her warm, than he'd bring the sun down for her.
And she was beautiful in a way he couldn't describe. Her dark red hair shimmered in the golden light as well as her eyes. The green color of them seemed to keep him locked, unable to look somewhere else.
He felt save and he felt proud to be able to show her his most beloved and secret place. Not even his best friend had he shown the cave. It wasn't like he knew her much but he knew one thing, she messed with his feelings. Ever since she moved to Outerbanks he'd secretly laid an eye on her whenever they passed ways. Whenever he saw her green eyes, he'd slow down and time was suddenly weird. A minute dragged like an eternity but at the same time ended way too early.
But now he had time. Time to look at her properly and time trying to remember every little thing about her and to lock it into his heart.
He saw her smile, those perfect lips and those slender hands as she bent forward to touch the golden water.
And he wanted to hold that hand so badly but he knew that it wasn't the right time. He'd scare her away... why wasn't she with the Kooks? She lived there but why did she befriend those people his father forbid him to meet? Why was it that his father's hate always destroyed the relationships he tried to built up... not this tome though!
He swore that he'd never give in! To never let his father destroy these pure feeling he'd been feeling...
He knew that she'd never fall for him but he had fallen for her.
Deeply and dangerously hard.
He had it the first time she had said a simple "hello" to him as they saw each other the first time. Her voice sent shivers down his spine that day. And it made him feel so incredibly alive.
And he loved and hated it at the same time.

And he loved and hated it at the same time

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