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"You gotta stay down. It's quite narrow in here. It'll be best if you follow me close by. Here— take my hand."
She grabbed it firmly and let herself be led into the darkness of the cave.
She never expected there to be a grotto under the lighthouse.
They had to climb down the slippery rocks but all in all it was an easy thing to do. Especially because he wouldn't let go of her hand, like... the whole time.
He apparently went there quite often, if one considered the way he knew exactly where to place his feet to keep his balance.
"Fell down multiple times," he explained to her during their little climbing session.
Now they passed down into a pitch black hole right above the sweeping waves. Their rhythm made Aresu feel disoriented.
It was nearly four in the morning by now and she was sure that the sun was about to set in about half an hour.
But her sleep schedule was fucked up anyway, a little adventure with Rafe Cameron would do her no harm.
The chilly breeze made her shiver—or was it his hot hands that caressed the bare skin of her back as he helped her climb down into the cave?
Well, probably both. But the hands might be the reason she felt her cheeks redden more and more by any passing minute.
His touch was soft but his skin rough and arousing. He barely touched her skin but it felt as if thousand flashes of lightning covered the caressed area.
No other guy had such an impact on her sense of touch yet.
She felt like a girl from a movie. Little bit naive, but overall tough and adventurous.
"Will we see anything down here?" She asked and held his shoulder to protect herself from slipping into the dark water underneath.
"Nah, not yet. But wait till the sun goes up. It's magical!"
"Kay," Aresu mumbled and took a seat on the chilly stone. She shivered.

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