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Kiara looked at her, sweat poured from her pores and her legs seemed to stick to the plastic chair. She felt utterly sorry for her new friend... nah, most of all she was really frustrated, shocked, terrified, even scared for her well being. And maybe just a tiny bit angry at her.
"We only want what's best for ya, Grisu. It'd be better if you dumped him."
"Ki, that's for me to decide."
Sarah laid her hands on Aresu's shoulders and hugged her from behind.
"That's not supposed to be an interrogation. I hope you know that. My brother is just— well, he's complicated. And he is NOT good. I'm so fucking glad I got out of this family and I really don't want you to slip into their bullshit."
"I know that you all don't like him, guys."
"I just don't "not like" him, Grisu. He fucking immediately shot Sheriff Peterkin to prove to dad that he's worth it! He wanted to apparently protect him but his obsession with dad is beyond healthy. He got true issues, and he laughed after that! Hell, he even tried to drown Kiara and me."
"I...know. You told me before. It's just, I know you won't like him all and that's fine, really, but I didn't make any bad experiences and I won't judge on others opinion. Let me experience it for myself."
Aresu got slightly stressed out by their questioning. And angry. Couldn't they just drop the topic?!
"What if you truly fall for him?! He's a maniac, he's completely lost it, girl! Please get yourself a good guy and not a waking red flag... or have you already fallen for him?"
"Yes! Yes I freaking already have! Fine, do not support me, I understand that you aren't on the best terms with him, but let me fucking live my own life!" Grisu stood up and got rid of the hands on her shoulders.
JJ held up his hands conciliatory.
"Listen girl, we love ya. But that man ain't gonna do you any good," explained Cleo.
"How do you know? I've never ever been happier! Finally I find someone who shares wonderful things with me, finally I have friend and a beautiful home and finally I am not only confined to my room. Why is it that you guys wanna forbid it immediately? If you care about my safety you don't have to. I'm grown, I can protect myself, I can say NO if I want to. But actually I haven't said no to anything yet!
Once a pogue, always a pogue! I won't choose him over you or anything. I can do both." Grisu first pouted angrily but then smiled at them to show that she did not want to anger her friends.
"Nah we don't want to forbid you anything. It's just... you weren't here when all that shit happened," said John B and hugged her.
"You come to us when anything happens, alright?" Pope said and joined to hug.
It was kind of a ritual. The group hugs.
And soon after, they ended up laying on a very small picnic-blanket and sort of all cuddled together.
Never would she give that up.
"Rafe can be nice, I know that. He's human after all. But beware of dad. Dad is putting Rafe under immense pressure and I'm not sure when he'll snap because of it. He fucks it up pretty badly whenever dad orders him to do anything. Yea, dad is a true maniac. On top of it, Rafe doesn't seem to be able to break free."
"Maybe he will," Aresu said and smiled at the thought of last night. She had never felt so deeply in love before that the mere thought of it made her cheeks redden in excitement.
She was incredibly happy that her friends did in fact not notice her behavior. She felt like a little child, acting all excited and nervous for their next meet-up.

(Song: Ultraviolet~ Freya Ridings)
(Other Song: Meteor~ Kenya Grace)

Rafe had pulled her incredibly close, wet bodies pressed against the other. The sticky fabric crinkling and sticking to their skin.
The heavy rain poured from above, cool and pure. Washing away all sins and doubts.
"If this were the last day on earth, I'd spend it all with you, Grisu," he said and looked into her green eyes.
Maybe she also felt that way but one thing she definitely knew. This was the most romantic thing she had ever done.
She felt heavy, like she was moving underwater, sighing into Rafe's mouth as lean arms slid around her, over her waist and hips and spine. She rose up on his tippy-toes, smiling against Rafe's lips.
Here in the pouring rain with the faint music nothing could reach them—
She smiled sweetly, grabbed his hands and began to dance.
Rafe followed her, swirled her around, never leaving her eyes.
Careful he lifted her, pulled her closer, embraced her and whipped with her in the music's rhythm.
Their wet skin felt incredibly cold but they did not shiver.
They stumbled into a deeper puddle and almost tripped down, giggling as they pulled themselves up again and continued with their improvised dance. Aresu turned in pirouettes, her feet barely touching the ground as he pulled her up.
"You loving me is my biggest flex, girl." He said and rubbed circles on her cheek with his thumb, slowly pulling away the loose strands of hair that stuck to her forehead.
"I care too much about you and I get way too overprotective when you look at me like that."
"Like what?" She said and tilted her head.
Rafe laughed roughly and pressed their lips together until he intertwined their hands again and began to dance again.
"When you look up at me with those knowing eyes. Or when you scrunch your nose while laughing, or when you simply look into the distance."
He turned, the water splashed soundly under their feet on the concrete.
"If there was one day left on earth. If the earth fell apart now I wouldn't be scared here with you by my side. If this was the last day, it were perfect," Aresu said and
She could tell it took Rafe by surprise. Though it did not take long before that slanted grin was biting at her mouth, the other hand at her waist leaning her back until they were pressed hip to hip and she could feel his heartbeat thrumming against her collar.
It was perfect, their hands intertwined, their upper bodies pressed together, the sound of the rain, the melody of the song from the music box that was placed under the bench to protect it from the rain.
It was imperfect and perfection.
It was magical and absolutely real.
And she loved it.
And he loved it.

(Look at the picture and wait for the beat drop :))

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(Look at the picture and wait for the beat drop :))

Oh, how fast luck can die.
How fragile peace can be.
How hurtful words can sting.

He held the phone right in front of his face. Rafe's eyes dropping down, ashamed, afraid. Angered.
"You watched us?"
"This will end, son. And you will end it now!"

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