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(Song: Shameless~Camilo Cabello)
(Or the song: 50 shades~ Boy epic)-> (I personally think it's better tho)
When their eyes met it was as if a firework exploded in the sky. The sun was already setting, the golden light surrounding them in a whirlwind of time and forgiveness.
Aresu had not planned that.
Rafe had not, either; but looking into his eyes now she could no longer hold back.
"Will you stay?" She whispered and looked to her unmade bed.
Rafe nodded, shifting slightly, pushing her until her kneebow touched the bed frame.
Then he pushed her down.
Laying on her back she stared at him while he caressed her cheek.
"I am not using you. I love you," he said and bent down to kiss her.
"I know," she answered and threw her arms around him. 
They sunk into the kiss, drowning in each other's lust and desire.
The feeling of regained trust shivered between their bare bodies, making their skins clammy and sweaty. But they did not care. Did not care about the way her hair stuck to the neck, how they threw off the blanket and pillows from the bed.
Did not care about the unlocked door and the open curtains.
He slowly pressed her closer, both sitting upright and their backs bent in lust and pleasure. They moved in a steady rhythm like waves and tides, always pulling and teasing. Coming closer, brushing their lips, biting into soft skin, touching the sensitive parts of the other in a hasty moment, smiling, opening their eyes in a lustful manner.
He kissed the crook of her neck, licking away all her worries.
His soft tongue made her skin prickle and her abdomen shiver in excitement. He moved his tongue in small circles over her throat, nibbling at the soft skin, moving upwards and kissing her cheek, her nose, her temples. Then he looked back at her and smiled.
She moved forward and did the same, pleasuring him and kissing the very spots she knew he loved the most. His soft moans sent goosebumps all over her back. His strong hands gripped into her deep aubergine-red hair and pulled slowly to move her towards him.
She obeyed, opened her legs a little, sitting practically in his lap now.
His fingers traced down her spine and caressed each vertebral bone before they grabbed her waist firmly and pushed her still covered crotch over his hardened member, imitating the rhythm they had established earlier.
She sighed, moving her hands over his muscular bare chest and traced down the prominent lines.
"I love you," she said and laid her forehead onto his.
He moved his fingers over her hips and even further down. She trembled, but gave away even more, revealing her sensitive spot to him.
He pushed her back against the pillows, moved his knee between her legs and intertwined their fingers over her head.
"I'll make you mine again. And you will scream of pleasure."
Grisu shut their eyes as they once again melted into the kiss and spread her legs.
She didn't really register when he removed her pants, nor when he had opened her bra. She just felt the coldness and the moment of pure exposure. She began stripping him as well, making sure that she did it slow and in a teasing way.
Being so focused on that, she did not realize when he had started to finger her, moving fastly and making her legs shiver involuntarily.
She tilted her neck, spreading her legs even wider.
"That's it, girl. You're doing a wonderful job. Just spread 'em wide for me."
And oh god she did not know that she was such a huge fan of praising.
His finger slid deeper, moving as if to test if the fruit was ripe enough to eat, touching and teasing her sensitive spots, sometimes loosening his grip, sometimes bringing her close to the climax.
"Right there. I-I like it," she mumbled.
Her legs trembled and wetness seeped into the fabric beneath them.
But through it all, they kissed, passionately and desperate to not let the other go.
It was a fight. And a race.
Who was more trustworthy? Who would back away earlier?
Who would break their connection first?
Both treated the battle incredible seriously.

They did not have sex in the end but teased and played with the other, pleasured them externally, moved their hips and kissed, bit and loved.
Both actually came in the end even without the true penetration. And that was utterly perfect, it was enough.

 And that was utterly perfect, it was enough

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