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(Song: Under my skin~ Claudia Kane)
They settled into her room and closed the curtains.
The red sun shone into the room and drew colorful patterns on the floor.
"You sure?" He asked and moved closer as she locked the door.
She nodded and let herself be pressed against the door.
The cold wood was a great distraction from the heat that radiated off Rafe in front of her.
"Never kissed, means never touched by any man before?"
She nodded again and fixated his eyes as if to be sure to not find any lies or dishonesty.
There was none, just pure desire and love.
"Then I'll make you feel good today. And you only."
He bent forwards, locked their tongues again and pressed his hands onto her chest.
She didn't even register him opening the zipper of her dress. The only thing she realized was his hands now sliding up and down her spine and side. Her bare skin seemed to vibrate under his touch.
Her boob seemed to be erected to that simple movement as she felt her nipple getting gradually harder.
She didn't wear a bra underneath.
That erection would be veeeery clear and obvious.
As she began to question her decision, not out of a feeling of uneasiness, but rather shame, he began to kiss down her nape. A tingling feeling erupted in her abdomen and made her shiver.
Her knees began to wobble and her hands shivered ever so slightly.
He slowly pressed his hard member on her hip and moved in a circular motion.
Holy shit! She thought and bared her neck even wider.
She wanted it! She wanted his kisses, wanted his hands to explore her body and wanted to feel more of it! A lot more!
Slowly he stripped down the sleeves and exposed her boobs. His tongue traveled down very slowly, moving around but never finding her nipple. She was getting uneasy, feeling teased and aroused.
He kissed her collarbone and looked up to her.
And this very small moment in which their eyes locked, she felt as if she was hit by lightning.
His eyes seemed to glisten like the ocean waves.
But then he moved downwards and covered her whole nipple with his mouth.
Actually it felt like a tingling sensation and at first she thought that the whole "being-turned-on-by-nipple-play-thing" wasn't her type but suddenly the sensation krept down her spine and into her lower back. Heat waves erupted and traveled to her abdomen.
She unexpectedly moaned quietly and buried her fingers into his stubbles.
At first she didn't realize the sound came out of her mouth. After realizing it, she fastly covered her lips with the back of her hand to spare herself from revealing her weakness even more.
"You don't have to restrain yourself, Grisu. Let it all out for me. I wanna hear you when I'm doing that," he whispered, moved upwards and with a very gentle movement he removed her dress entirely.
"You're beautiful," he said and smiled, caressing her hip.
"I'm half-naked, you're not. At least make it equal," Aresu said and lifted his T-shirt.
"That's right," he mumbled, threw the T-shirt across the room and showed her his upper body.
And, oh boy, his muscles were perfectly shaped and prominent under the sun kissed skin.
She let out a tiny whimper, when he pressed against her again, pinned her against the wall and kissed her again.
"I'm gonna make you fall in love with me," he said, moved back and waited for her consent.
She thought about it for a moment, decided to not give a fuck about her over-thinking and nodded smilingly.
He grabbed her butt, lifted her up and walked to the bed.
Flabbergasted by this sudden movement she held closely to his bare chest.
The mattress felt incredibly soft on her skin, as he laid her down and sat above her.
His gentle fingers caressed her rib cage and her lower abdomen.
Then they moved to the tip of her underpants. At first he moved his finger ever so slightly over the fabric, creating an explosion of lust and desire in her body. She really had to concentrate not to moan again.
She didn't even know that such small movements could erect her like that. And oh hell, it turned her on like crazy.
He slowly grabbed the fabric and pulled it down her long legs, leaving her laying there bare and exposed.
But weirdly that feeling aroused her.
He bent down and kissed her once again, his finders now slowly sliding down her scabbard.
They touched exactly the place she felt so intensely in her legs.
And he didn't really put his finger in like most guys would, nah, he did it right on her sensitive area.
She sighed and closed her eyes in defeat.
This boy truly would be her end.
In a positive way obviously!
Stretching her neck, she let the electrical feeling slither down her legs.
It was as if she needed to pee, but it was a wonderful feeling. She knew if he kept on touching that special place she'd probably come.
And the more impatient she became, the faster he moved.
Her hands clawed at his muscular back and left small striped of red there.
"I want you to look at me, Grisu," he whispered into her ear with a raspy voice and looked at her. And that was it.
The feeling of relief and utmost desire slashed over her and drowned her in pool of disorientation and pleasure.

Holy shit

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Holy shit...
Her hips involuntarily moved and twitched.
He smiled seeing that reaction and released his touch, bending down and kissing the tip of her nose.
"You're beautiful," he said, smiling.
"I'll better go now. You should clean yourself. You were amazing by the way."
Flabbergasted Grisu sat there, looking at him, cheeks flushed brightly red.
"You'll go?" She asked and her voice seemed drained.
"Yea. But next time I'll stay overnight. I already miss you, Grisu."
He bent down, kissed her and walked out.
"Bye bye," she said and smiled inwardly.
Holy fuck!
Oh my... HOLY FUCK!!!
She let herself fall into the mattress and curled in a ball. That feeling still lingered in her abdomen and it made her crave even more.
All her thoughts were focused on him and after laying there smiling like an idiot for ten minutes long she got up to make herself ready for bed.
She knew that she'd sleep well...

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