𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 1- 𝓐 𝓝𝓮𝔀 𝓓𝓲𝓼𝓬𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂

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There they were, huddling around the oval shaped brown oak table. Files where piling higher than the sky and notes where flying everywhere. Symbols and ancient runes and weird number combinations were on notepads with question marks around them. "It's just- were not getting anywhere!" Dex grumbled finishing reading Lady Gisela's file for the fifth time. The Neverseen found a way get their hands on to and the first thing they did was search the file thoroughly.

"I can't find anything that could help us find out what the Neverseen are planning!" he said with a frustrated tone

"We haven't found anything useful yet, but Mr Forkle, Keefe and I are going to search through one of their old bases!" Sophie assured him. She heard Sandor grumble from the hallway.

She and Sandor argued most of the morning about Sophie not needing Sandor or any of her bodyguards to come.

Though Dex did have a point. The Neverseen has been quiet for a few weeks and that was never a good sign. So, Sophie and her friends have been researching and thinking for days and they were still getting nowhere. Dex left the table announcing that he was going to get some fresh air.

Biana had her nose in a book about ancient runes and she was trying to figure out how to read them. Keefe on the other hand was writing notes about what the Neverseen had told him when he was living with them. The notes were still blank though. Keefe looked up and saw Sophies tired face.

"Aww you look like Glitterbutts face when she'd just spent the whole day chasing Luna and Wynn."

"Well you look like a....a..." When she failed to come up with a good response Keefe threw his head back in laughter.

"you—should—ssee your face right—now!" he told her in-between guffaws. Sophie scowled her face burning but inside her heart fluttered.

Keefe saw the look on her face and mockingly blew her a kiss. Biana peeped her eyes above the book. Keefe tried to hide his face, but you could tell by the look of curiosity she gave them both that she had seen the action. She kept quiet though.

The rest of the morning was slow and boring for Sophie, more reading books, and more listening to Keefe's bad jokes. They were also trying to find anything suspicious in Keefe's and Lady Geisla's files to see if anything clicked in Keefe's brain. Though with all the changes Keefe had made to his file there was basically nothing useful. Mr Forkle was out doing an errand, though he didn't tell her where he was going. He never did.

When Mr Forkle returned Sophie called Fitz on her imparter. His holographic image appeared on the screen.

"Hi, Sophie, do you need anything?" Fitz crisp voice filled the speakers.

"Well I was, wondering when you were coming back?" she mumbled.

"Oohh do you miss me already?" he laughed.

"Not funny Fitz, it's because we're leaving soon, and Keefe wants to see you go she told him.

Sophie's heart filled with annoyance. He winced

"Mum and dad are making Biana and I go to get some mallowmelts because we ran out. So, I had to duck out to answer the call. He told her. "If we can hurry and get the mallows and return, we probably will take like 10 minutes." Sophie rolled her eyes. "Okay then see you later" Sophie said. He smiled and ended the call. 


They all got ready for the mission and Sophie put on her special suit that Flori designed for her. On the inside were loads of pockets loaded with weapons. When she was ready, she found Keefe and Fitz chatting downstairs in the lounge and Mr Forkle was there too. Keefe turned his head and saw Sophie.

♡✨ 𝓐ησ𝕋нEя 𝐒ᗴςℝ𝒆𝓉 ✨♡| 𝓢𝓸𝓚𝓮𝓮𝓯𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓷𝓯𝓲𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷| ✔Where stories live. Discover now