𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 23: 𝓖𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓯

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She placed her fists on the floor and scrunched them up tightly in anger and sadness. Lady Gisela. That monster. She has done so much to hurt Sophie and the others. But this was by far their biggest loss.

Keefe kneeled down next to Sophie and she saw his tears splashing onto the tiles of Elwin's office. She felt mad at him.

But she felt horrible because she knew that it wasn't his fault.

"Sophie" his voice broke. "I am so sorry" he cried, his hand still holding the blood-stained dagger.

"I-I-" Keefe's words escaped him; Sophie couldn't imagine how he was feeling. "It's" Sophie took a shaky breath. "It's okay Keefe, of course it wasn't your fault. It was your mothers" Sophie said, sadness dripping in her voice.

Keefe stood up angrily and punched the wall hard with his fist, it left a mark on the wall as well as on his fist, a dark red started to form on his knuckle, and it was probably going to bruise.

Julie walked up to Sophie, who was still sitting on the ground in defeat. "I'm really sorry about your friend Sophie. He seemed very nice"

Sophie nodded. "He was."

Suddenly Sophie heard a loud ringing noise coming from her pocket, it was coming from her imparter.

Edaline's name showed up on the screen, glowing brightly.

Sophie didn't want to answer, she didn't want to talk to anyone at that moment. But knowing that her mom was probably very worried about her, she pressed the button to answer the call.

Edaline's concerned face popped up on the screen. "Where have you been young lady? We've been worried sick! What do you think would- " She stopped suddenly, noticing Sophie's bruised and tear-filled face. "Sophie, what happened" her tone changed immediately.

"Can you come and get us?" Sophie asked, not wanting to answer her questions right now. Edaline must notice that Sophie is clearly not in the mood to answer things right now, so she nods her head.

"Where are you?" Edaline asked.

"I'm in Elwin's office"

"Why are you in-" she stopped. "Okay I'm coming"

With that she ended the call, and Sophie felt all alone again.

Sophie sat there for a while, and when she heard a group of people burst into the room, Sophie didn't really hear anything.

Everything was blurry and slow, and nothing was happening, yet everything was.

"Sophie! What happened!" Grady yelled looking at her blood-stained clothes are her wrecked face.

Her friends walked in and gasped when they say Sophie. "Whose blood is that Sophie!" Biana exclaimed kneeling down next to Sophie. When she saw Sophie's battered and sad face, she grabbed her cheek and made Sophie look at her. "Sophie! What happened!" She asked her seriously.

Squall walks into the room, but she wasn't Squall. It was Dex's mum, and she looked around for Dex.

"Where's Dex Sophie?" she asked quietly.

Sophie broke then. It was all too much.

She started crying, the tears mixing with the blood, causing splashes of colors mixing on the floor.

Tam looked at Keefe, then at Julie. "Someone better start explaining right now"

Keefe looked at the ground. It didn't take an empath to know that guilt was pulsing around him. "Dex is. He's gone."

Silence filled the room, except for Sophie's quiet sniffling.

"What are you talking about Keefe" Grady said stepping towards him.

"I found out that, that I have a sister"

Everyone looked surprised at Keefe, then looked over to Julie. Fitz looked at Julie with suspicion. "You're not Keefe's sister, I've known Keefe forever. I would have found out eventually"

Keefe shook his head. "When Julie was little, she fell into an icy pond, and we thought she died. My mother wiped my memory of her because I wasn't focusing on my studies and I was socially distancing myself from everyone. She found someone special, and somehow managed to wipe everyone's memories of her."

Whispers ran through the room.

This time, Tam was the one to step forward. "How did she survive then?" Tam said clearly not convinced.

"She had a crystal, and it saved her, it was a special type of crystal. Like a murky brown kind of color"

Alden's eyebrows rose.

Keefe noticed. "Have you heard of it Alden?" Keefe had been waiting for answers for a while now.

"I have heard of it" he confirmed.

"Well she got saved, and then she met up with me. Mum got the word that her daughter had survived and that the crystal saved her. So as always, she wanted it.

She ended up kidnapping me and Julie, as she can't use the crystal without her.

But then with the powers of the crystal, she used me and Julie to try and." He stopped and took a deep breath. "She used me and Julie to try and- kill Sophie" he told them, avoiding their gazes.

"That doesn't explain why you said Dex-" Dex's mum interrupted.

Keefe looked at her, then looked back at Sophie. "Well, the thing is, I was about to kill Sophie. But Dex- well- he shielded himself and, the sword-......" No one needed Keefe to finish the sentence. Dex had sacrificed himself to save Sophie.

Juline broke down in front of them.

"My poor baby boy" She sobbed, now in the same state Sophie was in.

Edaline now had tears in her eyes as well and a stone shock filled face. She went to her sister and tried to comfort her. "I'm so sorry Juline, there must be some sort of way we can save him" she looked up at Sophie. "Right Sophie?"

She was talking about Sophie's light leaping skills and being able to leap back to the place. As much as it pained her to say, we couldn't go back. "We can't, where we went was an unknown place made by the Neverseen"

Grady looked at Sophie. "But aren't you able to teleport there if you know what the place looks like?"

He had a point, but whenever Sophie looks back on those painful memories, the actual place around them is all a blur. Sophie shook her head. "I can't remember what it looks like, and I am much too weak to teleport all of these people, even just myself. And by the time I regain my strength. It would be too late."

With those words Juline cried out again, a pool of tears forming on the ground.

Grady went over to Sophie. "It's time to go guys, we can sort this out"

Sophie hated that sentence with all her heart. How would the parents 'sort this out'? We were the ones that went through all of this and have fought battles they couldn't even imagine.

But at the end of the day they are still kids, and the adult would always be 'wiser' and would know the right thing to do. Yeah right.

Sophie stood up, wiping her nose. Keefe joined her, as well as Julie.

Grady reached into his pocket and pulled out his home crystal. "You three go home and rest, we'll-"

"Handle it, we know" Sophie interrupted.

Grady sighed and Julie, Keefe, and eventually Sophie touched the crystal and teleported home.

♡✨ 𝓐ησ𝕋нEя 𝐒ᗴςℝ𝒆𝓉 ✨♡| 𝓢𝓸𝓚𝓮𝓮𝓯𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓷𝓯𝓲𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷| ✔Where stories live. Discover now