𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 7- 𝓢𝓵𝓮𝓮𝓹𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻

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"Hi Keefe!" Alden says walking into the living room. He had stacks of folders in his arms and he seemed super busy. He rushed into the room next door and Keefe walked to Fitz's room. He was here for a sleepover, but Fitz wasn't here yet. He laid his overnight sack into the corner of the bedroom and kneeled down to unzip the bag. He pulled out Mrs Stinkbottom and looks around before giving her a squeeze. He put her on Keefe's mattress that Fitz put out for him and goes into the back yard

Keefe take a deep breath the air so much cleaner than in the Forbidden cities, he looks at the gorgeous peach sky and spots of pale blue birds soaring across the horizon. The sun touching the mountains in the distance making them glow. He sat down on a hill covered in grass and felt the green between his fingers. He felt so peaceful. "Keefe" Yelled a voice from the opposite directions. Keefe turned his head and saw Fitz running over. "Hey man" he said sitting next to Keefe. "Great view" he mumbled staring at the horizon. The sun was getting lower and lower. They stayed there, enjoying the land before them. Watching the sunset.


Keefe woke up in the middle of the night huffing and puffing and sweat running down his face. It was another nightmare. Every night was the same he would wake up from the horrifying dream. No matter how hard he squeezed Mrs Stinkbottom it wouldn't stop the night scares keeping him awake at night. It was the same nightmare he always had. His mother chasing him saying things about Stellarlune, legacy, and embracing his future but even when he thought he escaped she would appear out of nowhere chasing him again. He would find Sophie and his friends all hurt on the floor unconscious and now for a few days Julie has been added to the hell. Her just standing there watching him, she's wearing her cloak and her hood over her face, but Keefe could still see her icy blue eyes staring him down. Then his mom would start chasing him again. Keefe always jokes about his mother, saying he was ready for anything and calling her 'dearest mother' and everything, but to tell the truth. Keefe was scared, he wasn't sure what was going to happen and if he could stop it. He was worried he couldn't face his mother and be too afraid if it comes to killing her.

So, Keefe laid there, staring at Fitz's ceiling. As soon as he felt his eyes closing again, he heard something. He sat up; it was like scratching sounds. He looked around the room, it was coming from Fitz's closet. Something was inside the closet and wanted to get out. Keefe got out of bed and tiptoed to the other side of the room where the closet was. He opened the closet door and cringed when it creaked, but when Keefe stopped and listened, the scratching sounds had stopped. He looked inside and there was nothing weird in there. He was about to close it again when something grabbed his attention. He looked back and saw a note shining in the moonlight he grabbed it and read it. You want answers? Meet me at the front doorsteps tomorrow at sunrise. – your sister. There was that word again....sister.




Did Keefe really have a potential sister? I guess he would find out at dawn, where he would get answers.

When he climbed back into his bed he lied there wondering about his potential sister. How did she even get in here? Did she know a few tricks my mother used to sneak into places?

She looks familiar, and when I woke up, I definitely had things in my brain about her that I did NOT have before.


Keefe couldn't sleep too well for the rest of the night

When he woke up, he looked out the window and gasping when he saw the sun touching the horizon. He got out of bed and looked over to Fitz's bed. He looked so peaceful lying there, there was some drool hanging from his mouth, but his hair still managed to look great. I should call him Drooly Fitzer from now on Keefe thought chuckling quietly.

He ran downstairs but still quietly since everyone else was still sleeping. He opened the door cringing when it creaked. The orange glow filled Keefe's eyes when the sunlight hit him.

He climbed down the steps and looked around. Nothing looked wrong, definitely nothing looked strange and definitely no Julie. He walked around a bit looking at things to find any sort of clues that his potential sister might have placed. But nothing looked out of place. When he looked back to the stairs, he saw a cloaked figure. A familiar cloaked figure. "So, you wanted answers?" she spoke softly once Keefe ran to the steps. Keefe nodded immediately. "Well... you must promise not to tell ANYONE that we spoke to each other this morning." "Don't worry I won't tell a soul" Keefe said placing his hand to his chest.


Julie nodded and pulled out a crystal from her pocket, it was a colour Keefe had never seen before. It was like a mixture of like a murky brown and black and had swirls of bright yellow like the colour of sunlight. "How, did you- that's not a normal- what?" His confusion was clearly shown since Julie had humour in her eyes. "You mustn't worry about that right now, you wanted to find out how I'm your sister right?" Julie whispered in a questioning tone. "Of course, yeah, tell me about that first" Keefe spluttered. What was he thinking? He did NOT want to lose his only chance to find out more about his past. And his sister.

Julie held the crystal in her hand beckoned for Keefe to give her his hand. "It's not safe to speak here. Your friend might wake soon" Keefe hesitated. But this might be my only chance to get some information Keefe thought. "Fine, but we cannot be away for too long or the Vackers will think something is wrong, also what happens if Fitz comes looking for me?" he asked. "I don't know, maybe leave a note that says I'm going for a walk or something, but hurry because I can't be out in the open for long." She looked at him pointedly. "Damn, you sound like Giagantor" Keefe chuckled. "Who is Giagantor?" Julie asked. "Nothing you need to worry about" Keefe smiled smugly using Julie's words against her. She rolled her eyes and waited for Keefe to go inside place the note he wrote on his bed and once he returned Julie grabbed Keefe's hand and put it on the crystal and they both disappeared.

please remember to vote the chapter! it's a small action but means a lot to me 💗

♡✨ 𝓐ησ𝕋нEя 𝐒ᗴςℝ𝒆𝓉 ✨♡| 𝓢𝓸𝓚𝓮𝓮𝓯𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓷𝓯𝓲𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷| ✔Where stories live. Discover now