𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 14- 𝓕𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱

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Keefe's eyes glowed with murder. His hand shaking either in fear or rage. In a blink of the eye a dagger appeared in his hand, and due to the look of satisfaction in Lady Gisela's eyes she was the cause of it. Keefe took one step forward, while Sophie took one step back. Julie was just frozen in it all. Oblivious to what her brother was about to do. Keefe was a hand reach away when he paused. His dagger held out frozen in front of him. Sophie''s eyes travelled from his hand, to the dagger, to his eyes. His eyes.

His beautiful eyes.

His used to be blue eyes now replaced with red anger, red rage, red death.

Sophie was now staring into Death's eyes.

And death wanted her blood.

But as he stood there paused in mid action. Sophie looked over to Lady Gisela once more. Her neck getting saw from all the looking over. Keefe's mother had a look of thought on her face. Her hands resting upon her chest. Suddenly a dagger appeared in Sophie's hand. Identical to the one in Keefe's hand. Then realization hit Sophie like a boulder.

Lady Gisela wanted her son and her son's girlfriend to have a fight to the death.

"One of you have to die, either you kill Keefe. Or Keefe kills you. If you refuse to attack, he will not abstain from killing you."

Sophie's stomach crawled with fear.

Then anger,

Her eyes turning red. Everything around her red. Keefe red.

Julie red. Lady Gisela


"You are a horrible person, Keefe deserves better. I will never do anything to hurt Keefe. If you make him kill me. I swear that bad luck will lash out at you in the future."

To no one surprise, she snickered. She snorted. She rolled her eyes.

The audacity.

Keefe un-paused, lashing out onto Sophie. She dodged him swiftly and then he attacked again.

Then again.




It was back and forwards slash and cut, missing Sophie most of the time. Then Sophie made a mistake

Such a stupid mistake.

She made the mistake of looking over to Julie.

And Keefe used that chance to stick out his leg behind her, causing her to trip

SPLASH! Mud sunk into her clothing as Sophie stumbled onto her back. Her leg stung with pain. She must've landed on it wrong. This was a problem

Such a stupid mistake.

She made another mistake by looking back at Keefe. He looked so scary, so unforgiving. Like he never met her, like he never said I love you.

Like they never shared that kiss.

Instead of the love Keefe always showed to her it was just replaced with someone Sophie was unfamiliar with.

Then the dagger was raised over her body. Her chest. Her heart.

The shadow looming over her clothing while Lady Gisela cackled in the background. Like this was entertaining for her.

It probably was.

"Keefe"- she called out to him, her voice shaking with fear and tears sunk into her eyes. He wouldn't do this to her. He couldn't. but sadly his mother would. For a slight second Keefe's eyes returned blue. But then he blinked, and it was back into the scared angry boy following his mother's every order.

With both of his hands grasping the dagger's hilt he stood over her body, while Sophie waited for the strike.

But none came. Instead it was Keefe's eyes changing from blue to red all over again.













Keefe's hands started to shake once more. The same shaking that happened when he was starting to get controlled by his mother. Then he fell to his knees. Tears flew from his eyes. "Sophie I'm so sorry" he sobbed into his hands. "I can't believe-" he stopped and made a painful sound in his throat. Sophie knelt down next to a sobbing Keefe. To a sobbing boyfriend. "It's alright, it's okay Keefe, we're alright now" she soothed him rubbing his back and trying to comfort him. "No its not alright, I almost hurt you, I almost killed you" "Shh, it wasn't your fault" "But it was, what kind of boyfriend attempts kills his girlfriend?"

As Sophie tried to comfort him

She didn't hear the footsteps behind her

Didn't hear the arm raising above her body

Didn't see the shadow looming over her.

But she did feel the strike, and the words that were spoken.

"That's for taking my son away"

Sophie turned around just in time to see Lady Gisela swing the dagger

Blinding pain filled Sophie's every sense. She inhaled sharply in surprise and fell to her knees her hands over the dagger in her stomach.

She could see the blood flowing from beneath the weapon

Too much blood.

Blood filling her clothes, her eyes. mixing with the tears spilling quickly from the sudden pain.

Her hands covered in it.

Lady Gisela then yanked the weapon from her wound causing Sophie to double over lying flat onto the ground, about to faint from the simple movement

A river of red flowed from her wound, already sinking fast into her clothes. Keefe cried out in shock and immediately stood up taking the blood-stained dagger running to Lady Gisela, but somehow, she disappeared before he could strike.

Keefe roared and rushed back to Sophie. He sat her up and pressed his hands hard against her wound.

"Sophie sweetheart look at me, don't close you eyes" he spoke urgently. 

Sophie did look at him, his face like a white sheet and his eyes watery.

Shaking her lightly he would repeat and repeat the same words over and over again.

"Sophie talk to me"

"Sophie wake up"

"Sophie don't leave me"

Sophie inhaled a shaky breath but there was a rattle in her throat that wasn't supposed to be there.

Keefe was calling for her, to respond, to listen. To stay awake.

But pretty lights and stars were filling her vision. Telling her to go to sleep.

Pretty lights coming from her neck flashed and then she was suddenly somewhere different. She wasn't on the dirt; she was on a cold tiled floor.

Keefe screamed. Keefe sobbed. Keefe begged for her to wake up.

She heard other voices some familiar some not, all pleading.

One evening.

One betrayal.

One murder.

if you enjoyed the chapter, press the little star on the top right corner of your screen! it means a lot to me ⭐

♡✨ 𝓐ησ𝕋нEя 𝐒ᗴςℝ𝒆𝓉 ✨♡| 𝓢𝓸𝓚𝓮𝓮𝓯𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓷𝓯𝓲𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷| ✔Where stories live. Discover now