𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 17- 𝓑𝓮𝓽𝓻𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓵

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Elwin must have noticed the confusion on Sophie's face, well because she was damn well not hiding it. "Yes, I know all about your little discovery, I know all about Julie."


"Tell me where she is Sophie." Elwin snarled.

"I don't know where she is" Sophie mumbled.

"Don't lie to me. This is your human parents lives on the line."

"I'm not lying" Sophie snapped.

"Then find out." Elwin barely whispered.

"And if you even think about telling anyone, don't. Because I will know."

Keefe was going for a run again, but this time he stopped to see how Sophie was doing after the incident with Lady Gisela. Just as he lifted his hand, shaped it into a fist, and made the first tap, something flashed behind him. Keefe spun around and smiled to see Sophie standing there. Her hair was muddled, and she had marks on her wrists, but when she caught him looking, she pulled her sleeves over her hands. "Where were you off to?" Keefe asked casually, she seemed very rattled seeing him here but once he asked her the question, he blinked, and the strange expression was gone. "I went out to get some things" she answered smiling.

Keefe looked behind her. "The smallest things in the world?" Keefe joked, clearly not seeing anything in her hands. She laughed nervously, avoiding eye contact. "Food!" she blurted out. "I got food" She nodded as if agreeing with herself. "Food? And you didn't save any for me?" Keefe pretended to look unhappy.

"Don't worry next time I'll bring some over" she laughed.

"So, where has Julie been?" she then asked.

"That's actually why I came here, she gave me this" he passed her a note and Sophie studied it carefully before giving it back.

I'm at the school, meet me when the last class ends


She wrote Julie this time, Keefe noted. "So, we'll meet then?" Keefe asked Sophie. "Yes. Of course," she said almost too quickly.

Keefe noticed that something was a bit odd about Sophie, but he didn't press the matter as she was probably just excited, like he was.



She arrived in Elwin's office on the evening that Keefe got the note from Julie. He smirked at her arrival. "I assume the only reason you're here is to tell me the location of Keefe's sister?"

He snickered, looking at her as if she was a toddler, and he was laughing at how stupid she was.

"I am." She answered shortly. She knew she shouldn't test her luck, but she needed to know more about Elwin's perspective . Was he the leader? Or was he just a toy in Lady Gisela's plan? Why was he doing this? What does he get in return?

"Why are you doing this?" She asked, looking at his unreadable eyes.

"All in good time Sophie, you will find out when you need to know" he said, sounding a lot like Mr Forkle and his secret keeping excuses.

But she had enough.

"No." she snapped at him.

He stopped, looking at her both with confusion and suspicion.

"No?" he asked her, warning dripping in his voice.

"If you want to know where she is and will be tomorrow, tell me why you are doing this" she told him.

It was a reasonable thing for him to trade her.

Wait what? What is she talking about? Nothing is reasonable about this. She shouldn't even be here talking to him. But here she is still.

Talking to him.

Negotiating with him.

Negotiating with the enemy.

"May I remind you that you are not in the position to be setting up arguments?" he asked her, reminding her that her parents lives where in his hands.

But she needed to stay strong.

"Tell me why you are doing this."

He shook his head and sighed, realising that she wasn't going to give up easily.

"For almost all my life I've been helping others. Taking care of others. Teachers, students....heroes." he added softly.

"For almost all my life, I've saved lives of hundreds and hundreds of people, including you. I've lost count on how many times you've almost died."

Sophie winced at that, knowing that it mustn't have been a great experience for him. But then she inwardly punched herself for feeling sympathy for him, remembering that he was the bad guy now. For all she knew he might have enjoyed the close calls. She shuddered at the thought

"You'd think that when I save all these lives, that I get credit? Phfhfff, no way. Its all about you precious heroes, and I'm here, suffering from depression and anxiety after dealing with all of these.... experiences." He shuddered, and a shadow of his dark past showed on his face.

"I'm just expected to save you heroes every single time, before you almost kill yourselves, you get all the attention, fame, and credit, and after I save you, the cycle starts all over again. Nobody ever notices the healers.

Sophie still didn't understand. What was he getting from this?

When Elwin saw the questioning look on Sophie's face, he smirked once again and looked at her clearly. "Revenge" he spat out. "You take all of this for granted, you never deserved any of this, but here you are, spoiled. Taken all of the fame and goods and left the rest of us with nothing. Nothing." He repeated quietly.

"And helping Lady Gisela, to complete her vision. I know she says that it's for the greater good. But so far, its been nothing then evil. And I'm all here for it." He smiles at the last part.

Disgust fills Sophie, she steps back and tries to head towards the door to escape but Elwin is too quick, he blocks the door with his body, so Sophie is trapped. "Uh uh uh" he tutted at Sophie, waving a finger at her. "I told you why I'm doing this, now you'll tell me where Julie is."

♡✨ 𝓐ησ𝕋нEя 𝐒ᗴςℝ𝒆𝓉 ✨♡| 𝓢𝓸𝓚𝓮𝓮𝓯𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓷𝓯𝓲𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷| ✔Where stories live. Discover now