𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 13- 𝓣𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓫𝓵𝓮

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Lady Gisela slid down from a tree looking at Julie with great interest. How dare she. Keefe's face burned with anger, but his mum only smiled at his annoyance. "Hello Keefe" she said, her snakelike voice engulfing Keefe in even more rage. Keefe stepped in front of his sister to shield his mother's view of her. She placed her hands on her hips and wiped her forehead dramatically. "You children, always ruin everything." She snapped at the three of them It was quick. It was mean. It was Keefe's mother. "Always getting in the way of my plans that I have planned thoroughly"

Sophie stepped forward. Keefe could feel a giant ball of anger she was about to pelt at Lady Gisela. "How dare you" she spat. "How dare you steal the memory of dozens of people just so your son can concentrate on his life. Shame on you" the words were dripping with anger and disgust and Keefe felt a pang in his heart for his girlfriend's support. Lady Gisela had the audacity to throw back her head and laugh.

"It was for his own good" she spoke back her eyes filled with patient anger. Keefe shuddered at her words. How was forgetting his only sister for his own good? Some mother she was.

"Why are you here?" Sophie spoke again, softer this time. Keefe could tell she was trying to remain calm this time. Maybe we would actually gain some information about her plans. "That. Give it to me." she pointed at Julie's hand clasped around the glowing crystal. Julies eyes tighten as well as her hand around the object. With her knuckles growing white she shoved the crystal as far as she could into her pocket. "This is mine" the first words Julie spoke since her arrival. Deep and firm.

Keefe knew how to respond almost always when his mother was around. But his sister has not seen her for several years and the last time she did was when she found out that her mother had made everyone forget about her. The heartbreak it would have been.

Lady Gisela snickered. "Let me rephrase. You will give me the crystal" she said firmly. Keefe shook his head furiously. "You cannot just barge in here and demand to take the thing that saved my sisters life!" Keefe barked at her. For a second, he thought he saw a glint of surprise in her eyes, but then she blinked, and it was back to the cold dark look of his mum.

"You could have just given it to me, I didn't want to do this "she said and then confusion spiked in his face. Then what happened was just bizarre. Lady Gisela held out her hand in front of her and closed her eyes. She then spoke words loud and clear in a language he had never heard of before. "Beel asel e lst iel lel l asel stoel nel el e."

(Be as still as stone) - translation

She opens her eyes and Keefe's eyes widen when he sees that they are glowing a dark purple as well as the middle of her palm, like a glowing orb of energy.

Keefe wanted to move towards her to stop whatever she was doing but for some reason his body wouldn't respond with him. He could tell Sophie was trying to move as well but she was frozen. Confusion and fear washed from Julie and Sophie smacking Keefe in the face. But he couldn't feel anything either.

What was his mother doing?

"Mael kel e el tel hele crely elst ela l el fel l el oael t toel mel e"

(Make the crystal float to me) - translation

Suddenly a purple glow came from Julie's pocket. The pocket where her crystal was shoved into. Fear pooled in Keefe's stomach. As well as realization. a brown object rose from Julie's pocket. A purple glowing outline surrounding it. Julies face was frozen in terror and her eyes filled with worry as the crystal levitated towards his mother. She lowered her glowing hand and the crystal dropped into the palm of her hand with a soundless thud. The glow from his mother's eyes were replaced with the cold hard stare Keefe was so used for. "There" she whispered back in Elvish, "That was easy wasn't it?" when nobody answered she flicked her finger at the three of them and Keefe felt his head starting to nod. His eyes looked at the girls again and to his surprise he saw them nodding too. But there was one thing that was odd, their eyes were filled with confusion.

The happy clap she gave returned Keefe's attention to her. She had a look of satisfaction on her face. "Now since I have that crystal of yours-" she paused and looked pointedly at Julie "I can now achieve everything I want" she stopped again and smiled at her words. "But before I leave, I want to make you suffer further" Keefe's stomach dropped at the words.

Sophie POV:
Sophie felt scared, worried, and frozen. Now Keefe's mother was in full control. She could make them do anything, say anything. She could make us tell her all the Black Swan's plans.

Lady Gisela flicked her finger once again and then the glue in Sophie's mouth disappeared. She could speak again! she could feel feelings in her body again! when she saw the surprise in Keefe's and Julie's eyes, she knew she wasn't just being crazy the whole time. Other than Keefe's mother having Julie's crystal her main worry right now is her wanting to make us suffer further comment. "want" and "suffer" are never a good combination in a sentence. It only meant bad news.

The next words she spoke made Sophie freeze even more.

"I could make you die, with a flick of my finger.

But I won't"

"I could make you jump of a cliff. 

But I won't"

"I could make your entire family fall to the ground dead. 

But I won't"

"Instead. I will make you kill each other."

Ice flowed through Sophie's veins.

She wanted all of them to fight each other.

Lady Gisela seemed to notice Sophie's expression and smirked at her again.

"No. only one person will be betraying all of you" as if reading her mind.

"Keefe. Your best friend will murder you"

But something in Sophie's heart warmed.

Keefe's mother was wrong. It wouldn't be her best friend killing her. It would be her boyfriend.

It was the stupidest thing Sophie could have thought of at that moment. But it was the one that Sophie was thinking of.
Keefe's eyes if possible, turned more light blue. But then they turned red. Blood red. Blood thirsty red.

Lady Gisela has turned her son into a killer.

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