𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 20 𝓟2- 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓡𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓾𝓮

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Sophie and Dex went back to Sophie's room to prepare themselves. They packed a bag filled with weapons and supplies for healing. There was a big tub hiding underneath Sophie's bed that Dex grabbed, and when she asked, he told her that he dropped it off here before meeting with her. Adding another reason for his lateness.

"Dad and I have been trying out new things for healing, this is one of our successful projects. Hopefully we won't need to use it though."

"Got a good name for it?"

Sophie asked him, knowing that Dex and his family were well known for making the funniest and unique names for their products.

"No not yet" he laughed. "Maybe you could make one up for me?" he smiled. "No way, I'll probably make up something stupid" Sophie said.

Dex's grin widened more "That's the point of them though, they're not meant to be formal and serious."


Once they were packed, Sophie pulled out the crystal that had been attached to the map. "You ready?" Sophie asked him hesitantly.

Dex nodded immediately. "Always."

With a flash of light the scenery changed almost instantly.

Sophie looked at her surroundings and she for one was very confused.

There was nothing bad guy looking in this place, it just looked like a regular house.

The floorboards were made of wood, the walls were a creamy color with paintings hung up.

It looked like the average human's grandma house.

Sophie could tell that she wasn't the only one wondering if they were in the right place because Dex was spinning his head around everywhere.

"Is this the place?" Dex whispered to her.

Sophie looked back at the crystal in her hand. She nodded.

Dex looked around once more and then pointed something out to her.

It was a painting on the wall, and it had Lady Gisela in it. And all the other people in the Neverseen. They were all smiling, they looked almost like. Like a family?

Could this be another part of the Neverseen that's been 'Neverseen?'


"Yeah this is the place" Sophie confirmed.

They snuck around, trying to find any hints on where Keefe and Julie are being held.

They reached this door that was different from the others. All the other doors were an old oak wood, but this one, was metal.

"Think its in there?"

Sophie looked at Dex, the nerves were starting to kick in. "Yes." She told him simply.

Dex reached out and turned the doorknob, but of course it was locked.

"Damn it" Dex grunted pulling the knob with all his might, but it was no use.
"Not to worry Dex, I have this" Sophie told him, pulling out Hope from her holster. She jammed the dagger into the gap in between the door and the frame. Sophie pulled and pulled, making the paint crack and the wood bend. She made a hole big enough for them to slide through, and when they got to the other side it was very different from the rest of the house.

First of all the floors were made of a white marble, its coldness made Sophie shiver even through her thick boots.

The walls were a dark grey, with no paintings in sight.

It had none of the warm feelings that they had been welcomed with in the room before.

Everything was clean and had the basic greyscale. There were almost no signs that someone lived here. Almost.

Something caught Sophie's eye that made her stomach feel sick.

There was a small trail of blood. It was small, but it was there. And judging by the look on Dex's face, she wasn't the only one who saw it.

"Do you think its" He shivered, Not being able to continue.

Sophie looked into Dex's eyes with her confused scared ones. She really had no idea.

Dex nodded firmly and kept moving following the trail.

When they reached this particularly room, it was very strange and different from the others. The perfect description for it was probably a big black box. It looked like a wall, yet it was also obviously a room.

There was no windows, or doors, and the trail. Has ended.

"Do you think that they're being held in here?" Dex asked, clearly feeling nervous and scared.

"Well, there's only one way to find out."

♡✨ 𝓐ησ𝕋нEя 𝐒ᗴςℝ𝒆𝓉 ✨♡| 𝓢𝓸𝓚𝓮𝓮𝓯𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓷𝓯𝓲𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷| ✔Where stories live. Discover now