𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 9- 𝓜𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓻𝔂

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It was a cold winters day and the grass was covered in frost. Two little children were running through the forest their shoes splashing through puddles.

One of the children was a young girl with long blond hair tied up into two ponytails. She was wearing a long sky- blue coat which was much too large for her since it went over her knees, there were tiny diamonds sewn into her dress and they were sparkling in the little sunlight there was. Her feet were covered by ruby red boots which were new from the store where she bought them with her own pocket money, she made by doing lots of jobs. But now they were covered in mud and dirt so she would have to wash then when she would get home.

The other child was a boy a little bit older than the small girl but still quite young. He had messy blonde hair which was now especially scruffy since he had been running through bushes. He has a few leaves and sticks in his hair but somehow still managed to look good. He was wearing a coat similar style to the little girls but was red and had nothing sewn into it. It was the plainest thing in his wardrobe but since he was in a hurry to go to the forest, he didn't have time to pick and choose. He had brown shoes which were non-surprisingly also dirty from all the mud and puddles he and the girl went through. His eyes were the thing that stood out the most though. Gorgeous icy blue eyes as if you were staring straight into the ocean, the girl who was running next to him coincidentally had the same colour.

They were clearly siblings in action longing for some adventure, so they went for a run in the Wanderling woods. They stopped when they saw a lake with a layer of ice. It was so pretty, and the brother and sister had never seen it before, so they stopped and walked down to it.

"It's so beautiful!" the little girl squealed with excitement running to the lake."

"Julie wait!" the boy shouted.

The girl who must be Julie trots slowly and comes to a stop. She looks over her shoulder to her brother who is coming down to meet her.

"Julie we mustn't go on the ice, it doesn't look very thick" the boy said looking at the frozen lake fearfully.

"Oh, come on Keefe, stop being such a buzzkill lets have some fun!" Julie said gently elbowing the boy whose name seemed to be Keefe in the stomach.

She stepped closer to the ice and stopped just as her toes of her boots touched the frozen water.

"what if it cracks?

What if you fall into the water?

Then what Julie!? What will you do? Keefe asked shaking his head over and over and crossing his arms across his chest.

"Keefe, I promise to be careful want to come with me?" she asked staring into her brother icy blue eyes. Keefe hesitated not sure whether or not to go with his sister. Then he made up his mind and shook his head. "I'll be fine watching from here, be careful though Julie. I don't want you getting hurt." He whispered the last part because he knew he didn't say it enough.

Julie nodded and took one step onto the ice, then another and another. She stared at the frozen lake and even though it was quite blurry she could still see glimpses of plants and other sea life which were now frozen and still like when you pause the tv. Julie walked around the lake and once she reaches the middle she looks around. All the trees surrounding her the animals roaming around and all the Wanderlings showing their beauty each one unique.

She saw Keefe sitting down on the safe frosty grass watching her like a hawk. Julie was too busy looking at her pretty surroundings to notice a particular large chunk of ice sticking out of the frozen lake, so she started walking backwards to take it all in but then tripped on the piece of ice. Julie stumbled back and for a moment everything went in slow-mo. Keefe stood up quickly and called out her name but just as she was about to smash into the ice, she caught herself and placed her feet firmly on the ground and gasped at how close that was.


Julie stared at her feet and saw cracks forming around her. "Keefe!" she yelled with fear in her voice. Keefe saw the cracks around her and cursed.

"It's okay Jules stay calm" Keefe used his nickname for her to show that it would be okay.

"Just listen to me okay?" Julie nodded and gulped as Keefe started moving closer to her. He didn't step onto the ice, but he held out his arms in front of him as if he was trying to calm down a wild animal.

"okay so gently step towards me very carefully" he spoke softly, and Julie stepped forward a bit and closed her eyes in fright. But nothing happened. "That's it, Julie now take another step" Keefe gave Julie a small smile, but Julie didn't return it. She took another step towards Keefe but then stopped.


she looked at her feet again and saw more cracks at her feet but then they traced all around her and all around the frozen pond. If she made one step the lake would break, and she would fall in. "Keefe!? What now!?

"stay still Julie it'll be okay" Keefe whimpered looking openly scared now. He looked at his sister with worry and saw the absolute terror in her sparkling blue eyes. But Keefe was wrong, it wasn't okay. The cracks only multiplied and surrounded his sister. The ice broke at her feet and Keefe yelled her name. "KEEFE!!!!!!!" she screamed falling into the icy water. Keefe stood there in pure shock that his sister fell into the water. The water would freeze her! He threw his shirt and shoes off and jumped into the water to save Julie.

The first thing Keefe thought as soon as he entered the water was that





Cold. He was so cold

Keefe released a few bubbles his lungs already begging for fresh air. The icy water sank through Keefe's bones almost freezing him on the spot, but he kept swimming trying to find his sister. His eyesight was blurry and he couldn't spot her anywhere. Until in the corner of his eye there was a shadow of his sister!

She was slowly sinking to the bottom of the lake, but she was still far from his reach. He kept swimming and swimming, but Keefe was never a really confident swimmer. He put all of his energy to try to save Julie. But his lungs screamed for air. He ignored his lungs and swam closer to Julie, but she kept sinking away from him.




He held out his hands trying to grab Julie, but she just slipped from his grasp. More bubbles escapes from him and he watched desperately after his sister who was only getting further and further away from him. He couldn't hold onto his breath any longer and swam back to the surface

Keefe fell onto the grass on his knees and hacked and coughed getting the water out of his system while more water was spewing from his eyes. He couldn't go back into the water. She would be too far down.

He couldn't believe it.





Keefe sat there on the frosty grass coughing and crying his chest hurting from the cold. But he didn't feel the cold. He didn't feel anything. He was numb.

Numb from pain.

His only sister, the one he loved ever so dearly.

Was gone

Julie was gone.

He sat there for a while cursing himself. Why did he let her go, why did he not do something sooner, why did he leave the house with her in the first place? What was mother and father going to say? Would they kick him out of the house? Would they hate him forever? Things would never be the same. Then Keefe started hitting himself. Punching himself in the stomach and hitting himself in the head. Pulling his own hair. Scrunching his knuckles so hard they turned white. He bit his tongue until he tasted blood. Then after hours of pure pain, he stood up picking up his shoes. And went home his eyes red from hatred and crying.




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♡✨ 𝓐ησ𝕋нEя 𝐒ᗴςℝ𝒆𝓉 ✨♡| 𝓢𝓸𝓚𝓮𝓮𝓯𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓷𝓯𝓲𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷| ✔Where stories live. Discover now