𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 20 𝓟1- 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓡𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓾𝓮 (𝓢𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓽 𝓲𝓷 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼)

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It was the day after Keefe and Julie got kidnapped from Elwin. From the Neverseen.

Sandor has locked himself up in Sophie's room doing nothing but planning all day. And Sophie for one was getting sick of it.

Dex has now been included in the plans, much to Sandor's 'delight'.

He has also been feeling much boredom from all the sitting around and waiting.

That evening when Sandor was still at Sophie's desk , buried in notes and maps, Sophie snuck outside and hailed Dex.

"I'm sick of waiting Dex, we're going to Elwins office tonight. Meet me there" she told him. Dex told her that he'd meet her there at sunset.

Sophie half groaned laughed. "Why is it always sunset?"

When she got there, it was well past sunset, but Dex wasn't there.

She had to wait at least ten minutes until he came, and she was furious with him. "Dex! What took you so long?" she told him grumpily.

"Sorry, I struggled to find a good reason for meeting up with my friend during the night at our closed school" he said sarcastically.

Sophie couldn't help but laugh and apologized for her outburst.

"Let's go inside" she lowered her voice.

They snuck around the back of the school, where they found a small hole in the building. "Keefe showed me this, he told me this is how he escapes from all the teachers when he makes them mad."

Dex smiled sadly, clearly worried about him. Sophie rested her hand on his shoulder. "We'll find him Dex. I promise."

He looked up at her and his eyes twinkled. Showing that he believed her.

They went through the hole and made their way to Elwins office.

They burst through the front door and rushed to his desk.

Sophie opened the drawer and rummaged through all of the papers. "We'll never find anything in this mess!" Complained Sophie, her hands already getting sore from all the flipping and pulling.

Dex pushed her aside and grabbed a huge pile. "Let's go through them together" he whispered to her, already going through them.

He handed her the huge pile he grabbed, and then he got a big pile for himself. They sat there for hours, and when Sophie was basically falling asleep Dex cried out happily.

"Here!" he exclaimed, showing Sophie a large piece of paper.

There was a large print of a map, with an X on the location. It was titled 'Lady Gisela's Hideout' and sticky taped to it was a crystal. A teleporting crystal. It shone a bright cobalt blue, showing the swirling power that it contained inside.

"Seems almost too easy" Dex noted.

Sophie shook her head. "After all this work and hours of searching through this dump?"

Dex sighed. "You're right, and this is a great discovery! We'll be able to find Gisela and hopefully Keefe too. We can go"-

"Tonight." Sophie interrupted.

"Tonight? But we need to plan, and Sandor said"-

"I don't care what Sandor said. We're going tonight."

Dex looked at her weirdly. "Sophie... this is a very dangerous place filled with very dangerous people. We need to consider and plan all possible scenarios before going to save Keefe and Julie"

"No. I'm sick of sitting on my bum and waiting for everything! I'm going tonight Dex, and you can come if you want. But nothing is stopping me"

Dex shook his head and sighed again, he looked so old and wise when he did that.

"You know I would never let you do this alone Sophie." He told her finally.

Sophie looked up and smiled.

"Let's do this."

♡✨ 𝓐ησ𝕋нEя 𝐒ᗴςℝ𝒆𝓉 ✨♡| 𝓢𝓸𝓚𝓮𝓮𝓯𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓷𝓯𝓲𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷| ✔Where stories live. Discover now