𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 8- 𝓐𝓷𝓼𝔀𝓮𝓻𝓼

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Keefe felt so dizzy.

He opened his eyes and the world was spinning, everything looked like it was being sucked up and he was in a vacuum. It only happened for a few seconds because then he appeared like ten meters in the air. "AHHHHHHH" Keefe screamed rushing down to earth.




He was going to die.

He should have never trusted Julie. He smacked his forehead. "Stupid, stupid, STUPID!" he yelled hitting his forehead.

He was about to crash into the ground when he floated. He stopped in mid-air, and slowly started floating back to the ground. this is by far one of the weirdest things I've ever done, and Keefe had a long list. 

He was floating to the ground but as soon as he was a second away from the ground he stopped floating and Keefe fell to the ground. 

"Ughh...." Keefe groaned rubbing his elbow. Keefe looked up at the sky where he fell down and he squinted his eyes because he saw a small dot falling slowly. Julie came down from the heavens and landed on the ground on her feet a lot more gracefully than Keefe. Julie had her hood down now and saw Keefe rubbing his elbow, so she smiled. 

"Sorry about that, should have probably told you that this form of travelling is a bit different from your usual.... experience." 

"Different from my usual experience?!!" Keefe said standing up. "I fell from the freaking sky I thought it was over for me!" Keefe all but yelled. "you thought it was over for you, but it wasn't was it? You're here on the ground and you're perfectly alright are you not?" Julie stared at Keefe seriously. "Physically yes, but I am not fine mentally. Also, yes a warning would have been nice" Keefe crossed his arms on his chest and scowled. "So do you want to take a seat, the next things I tell you might make you feel confused and overwhelmed so......" Keefe looked at the ground, and his bottom on it and stared up at Julie. He tapped his fingers on the dirt making a drum rolling sound. "And....... Start! How are you my sister?" Keefe asked in a deep hosting sound.

"Okay so......." Julie began.

"It all started when you and I went exploring in the Wandering Woods, mother and father were busy, so we snuck off and longed adventure. You were about eight and I was six. It was a cold winters day and the grass was covered in frost. We discovered this lake that had been frozen over." Julie spoke her eyes staring in the distance with her heart in memory of the story. Keefe felt a pang in his head and placed a hand to his forehead. He groaned and felt himself falling to the ground, "Not again Keefe, you really are a drama kin----" but the rest Keefe didn't hear because he fell unconscious. 

please remember to vote the chapter! it's a small action but means a lot to me 💗

♡✨ 𝓐ησ𝕋нEя 𝐒ᗴςℝ𝒆𝓉 ✨♡| 𝓢𝓸𝓚𝓮𝓮𝓯𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓷𝓯𝓲𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷| ✔Where stories live. Discover now