𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 2- 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓮

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The next few days were quiet and slow. The mysterious figure had been re-located to one of the Black Swans bases. Sophie wasn't allowed to know where it was, and the reason that Mr Forkle gave her didn't seem good enough. She also needed to go to Foxfire, which was a pain, but Mr Forkle insisted saying "Education comes first"

There were no updates about anything for a while and Mr Forkle suggested that she wouldn't let anyone know about it-even her friends. So, Sophie also occupied herself by training with Ro. She was really getting the hand of using Hope and Ro was now teaching her camouflaging techniques which sadly include getting muddy and gross. She even earned herself a compliment from Ro herself that morning saying that she has really improved!

When Sophie arrived home from Foxfire later that evening she ran upstairs and into her room, chucking all of her stuff onto her bed and lay down onto the floor staring at the rose petals on the floor. Sandor came into the room and assumed his position standing at the door. She lay there for several minutes before sighing and getting up from the floor. Sophie walked over to her wardrobe and shooed Sandor away before changing her shirt into the most comfortable and least sparkiest clothing she could find. Sophie was busy putting on her pale pink slippers when something caught her eye.

She looked back and found a note. Handing from her wardrobe door. Meet me at my special place. Don't be late

Meet me at my special place. Don't be late. Sophie had read the notes several times but still didn't get it. "what?" Sophie thought out loud. "Meet at what spec-" Sandor snatched the note from her hand and read the sentence. He frowned and gave the note back to Sophie "I hate these notes. I can never be sure if they're from him or from an enemy." Sophie smiled and reassured Sandor it was definitely from Mr Forkle. He scowled. "Where is his special place?- and the make sure not to be late doesn't help either." Sophie shrugged and turned over the note to find some more writing. Nature has taken over. Suddenly something flashed into Sophie's mind. A photo. A place. No. A special place. (cringe) "I know where the place is" "How could you possibly know from that one sentence?" He asked his squeaky voice raising. "I don't know Sandor I just know. It's probably something the Black Swan planted into my brain" Sophie told the goblin. "Well even if you do know where the place is, I'm 100% coming with you" "Okay, okay that's fine Sandor" Sophie noted. 

Sorry about how short this chapter is! this is hopefully going to be the shortest one in the book :)

-lord hunkyhair

please remember to vote the chapter! it's a small action but means a lot to me 💗

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