𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 21: 𝓢𝓾𝓬𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼?

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It led to a large room, filled with cells. Jail cells. The bars were a plain white and the floors were grey, it seemed quite clean not like the other cells she's seen, not that Sophie has seen many.

"Keefe?" Sophie called out looking around.

Dex searched around with her, looking thoroughly in every room. Things weren't looking good for them until they reached the final cell in the far back of the room. When they entered, they saw a figure sitting in a chair facing the wall. "What do you want?" Keefe snapped, smacking Sophie in the face with his words but she understood why.

"Keefe I'm so sorry what I did but once I help you out I can expla"-

"You don't need to explain anything to me" Keefe interrupted. "All I know is that you betrayed me and told Elwin about Julie."

Keefe's voice was cracking, like he was trying not to break down.

Sophie's heart broke for him, complete guilt filling her.

Dex stepped forward. "Look she has a good reason, if you just let her tell yo"-

Keefe spun around staring directly at Sophie. "Are those reasons so important that you couldn't even tell your boyfriend?" his voice broke and tears filled his eyes. "They took her away Sophie, and I don't know where and what they're doing with her. She could be dead for all I know."

Tears spilled from Sophie's eyes without permission.



Not Foster.


"Please Keefe I don't know how much time we have before the Neverseen come" Sophie pleaded, she didn't need his forgiveness yet, she just needed to cooperate.

Keefe stood up.

"I'm not leaving without Julie"

He said firmly, avoiding her eyes.

Sophie nodded almost immediately. "Do you know where she's being held?" Sophie asked, nervous for the answer.

"Of course not! I don't know what happened with her! They haven't told me a thing!" Keefe boomed at her. Sophie stepped back. "Come on Keefe, please I understand how your feeling, you have the most right to be angry at me, but can we do this later?"

She held out her hands in front of her, like she was taming a wild animal.
Keefe inhaled and exhaled. His shoulders dropped and he looked at her calmy. "Let's go look for Julie" he told her.

Sophie nodded "Lets g-"

"There will be no need for that"

A voice spoke through Sophie, chilling her to the bone.

Sophie turned around and scowled when she saw Lady Gisela's cold face staring back at her. "Where is Julie" Sophie asked angrily, crossing her arms over her chest. Dex stepped forward, joining her in the same body language. She could tell he was nervous.

"She's right here" Lady Gisela answered simply, holding out her hands as if to introduce someone. A man walked in and he had his hands gripped tight on someone's shoulders. It was Julie.

"Julie!" Keefe exclaimed stepping forward towards his sister. Julie struggled in the man's tight hold, but she wasn't able to talk. She kept looking at Sophie with fear in her eyes, and she wasn't looking at Lady Gisela.

"Why can't she speak?" Sophie asked sternly looking at Julie with concern.

Lady Gisela reached into her pocket, pulling out a crystal. Julie's crystal. "This has been very useful to me, and one of those things is keeping Julie quiet so she doesn't disturb with the plan."

"What plan? And how does it involve Julie?"

Lady Gisela smiled and placed her hands on her hips. "You'll see soon enough"

Sophie looked at Julie and studied her face, and it seemed normal. But when she was about to look away, Julie blinked and a flash of read passed through her eyes. The same red Keefe had when he was under control with Lady Gisela.

Sophie stepped back, in fear. Dex grabbed Sophie's shoulder. "Did you see that?" He kept looking at Julie's now red eyes, a confirmation that Julie was now under Lady Gisela's control.

"You've played this game before, Lady Gisela" Sophie told her, trying to annoy her.

She failed.

"Yes and I won, didn't I?" She laughed at Sophie's pathetic attempt to irritate her. "There's no hurt in doing it again is there?"

She nodded towards Julie and she stepped forwards. Lady Gisela whispered a few words to the crystal and Julie's eyes glowed as a new power surged through her and suddenly a dagger appeared in her hand. The same dagger that was used to stab Sophie with.

In a flash Julie was on top of Sophie, and they were fighting. Sophie used Hope to barley fend off her attacks, but she was in the same position that she was when Keefe was in the same situation. 

The clash of metal rang through the room while Sophie and Julie dueled. She had idea where Julie got these skills from. 

" With almost nine years by yourself you learn a thing or two" Julie answered as if reading Sophie's thoughts. 

Dex tried to help, but without a sword he was quite useless. Lady Gisela seemed to be the only person unbothered by this. She even rolled her eyes and yawned at one point, which did not make Keefe happy.

Sophie hit her sword with all her might and pushed Julie to the ground. Julie kneeled down on the ground grunting in pain. Sophie stepped forward. 

"Julie are you alright?" Concern flooded through her. Julie looked up and grinned, her eyes flashing red and she swung her sword towards Sophie. 

She had barely enough time to hold up her sword to defend this sudden attack, but she was in a very bad position. This time Sophie was the one kneeling down on the ground, trying to stay her ground, but she was slipping, and her arms were getting sore. And when Sophie looked up, she didn't see the kind innocent Julie that she had known before, what lied before her was a monster smiling at her fearlessly. Sophie saw her own terrified face in the reflection of Julie's red eyes. 

♡✨ 𝓐ησ𝕋нEя 𝐒ᗴςℝ𝒆𝓉 ✨♡| 𝓢𝓸𝓚𝓮𝓮𝓯𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓷𝓯𝓲𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷| ✔Where stories live. Discover now