boredom pairing

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A/N First chapter :DD It might not make sense and that's because I have no idea what I'm doing. Anyway babye bish


Me, Julie, Reggie, and Luke sat on the couch watching cartoons. And honest to heavens, it was boring. I mean, what kind of teenagers watch SpongeBob SquarePants mid-day?? I sigh as I watch an episode. The boredom suffocated me that I my eyes felt weary. I slowly shut my eyes and darkness spreaded over, yeah and that lasted a minute. Reggie squealed throughout the show and it made me pissed.

"Reg what the heck is with the squeals?!" I say as anger fumed in my eyes.

"It's SpongeBob Lex. Who wouldn't like it anyway?" Luke protests. Of course he took Reggie's side. That guy is crushing on him!

Well of course being the wingman I am, I had a plan to pair the two up and cure my boredom. I stood up trying to cue my tears. The three looked at me with confusion in their eyes.

"I don't like SpongeBob Luke!" I fakely sniff. "It's so hecking boring.." I say as I tear up.

I winked at Julie as signal to play along with me. I guess she noticed because she chuckled a little bit. She cleared her throat and immediately rose from the couch. Her eyes started tearing up and she started sniffing.

"I agree! I'm done with SpongeBob dude.  And we are done here too," Julie says nonchalantly as she grabs my wrist to leave.

As we left the studio we both bursted into laughter. Julie started wiping her fake tears and her laugh fades.

"That was the most fun I've had!" She says as she chuckles. I nod in agreement and cleared my throat.

"Yeah, seeing Reggie and Luke sitting together awkwardly is kinda funny," I call out.

"Why did we do all that though?" Julie asks with curiosity in her eyes.

"I wanted to pair them up and y'know, cure the boredom in me," I answer.

Julie nods and we both head for the stairs to the main house. We enjoyed our time together without the two sharing microphone dudes. But for real though, I hope they're having a good time.

A/N Yep that's it. Sorry if it's short. Again I have no idea what I am doing :)

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