the trigger to love

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A/N Ruke again :) I haven't made Julynn in a while, but we'll see :DD


As I wrote on my journal, a whoosh was heard. I figured it was Alex, back from his date. I smiled as my head stayed down.

"How was it?" I ask Alex, referring to his date with Willie.

"That I took your boyfriend? It was alright," My eyes widen. That voice haunted me.

"Caleb?" My eyes shot directly at the purple-caped man. "Where's Reggie?!" I yell for an answer.

"It's best if I show you," Caleb then blew dust and we appeared in a room where Reggie was— his hands were tied.

"Reg.." I call out. I ran to him, but Caleb grabbed my shoulder.

A gun then appeared in my hand. I tried dropping it, but it stuck to me like gorrila glue. My hand then swung to Reggie; my finger, almost hitting the trigger.

"Now here's the deal, Lukas. You either pull the trigger and Reginald dies or join my house band and he stays unharmed. The choice is yours," Caleb explains. I couldn't shoot my love, I won't.

"Pull the trigger Lu.. please," Reggie begs. I shook my head as tears went down like a waterfall.

"I can't.. I love you! You're the brightest, best, most wonderful person that has ever happened to me.. If joining Caleb's house band means you'll be safe.. then I'll join him," Caleb smirks, Reggie cried.

My hand was about to reach for Caleb's until I hear the trigger, blood scattering everywhere. Caleb's evil grin faded into a horrified look as he stared down on the floor. My teary eyed look on the floor and I spot Reggie who was bleeding from his chest. I dropped to the floor and held him in my arms.

"R-reggie.." I stutter. He looked at me with love and pain in his eyes.

"I'd do anything to keep you away from Caleb.. even if it includes a trigger," he says, weakly. I cried my heart out.

"No, no, no.. please" Tears fell down my cheek and Reggie glowed bright gold.

"What's happening?" Reg asks as he glows.

"It's love.. you two share it," Caleb answers Reggie.

Reggie then was able to get up. He was well— the injury healed. I hugged him tight as I cried. I look up at Caleb who was smiling softly. He then asks to speak with me alone— Reggie didn't trust him, but I told him to cool down. Caleb and I walked into an empty room and he holds a grip on my shoulder.

"I'm really sorry for threatening you and Reggie. I wanted to see if you were right for my son," Son? I ask myself.

"Wait, son? Reggie's your son?" I ask with shock.

"Well yes, until I passed away and his mother married Thomas," he answers.

"He knows?" Caleb nods as I ask. I gave Caleb a hug and he hugs back.

"You're a great father.." I whisper in his ear.

Another pair of arms joined us and it was Reggie's. We all hugged and held onto each other tightly.

A/N This one is longer, but it's okay :)) (right??)

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