we never speak of this again

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A/N More of Ruke :D I promise there will be Julynn soon.


I enter the studio with a busy Luke on the couch. I walked over to him quietly and sat on the empty seat beside him. He stayed writing on his journal.

"Dude?" I call out to him, though it was more of a whisper.

"What?" He asks as he keeps his eyes on the journal.

I look over to the paper which Luke covered soon after he discovered me looking at it. He immediately closed his journal roughly and turned to me.

"Do you need anything?" He questions with a raised brow.

"Wha-- No. Who were you writing about?" I question back. He sighs and puts the journal on thr coffee table.

"A certain someone," Luke answers. I pout wanting to know.

"Who exactly?" I ask with squinted eyes. He shakes his head as he grins.

"I won't tell," He claims as he rises from the couch.

He walks over to the studio doors and walks away-- not knowing he left his journal with me. I smirk and open the page and immediately met my eyes with the words.

I try to hide my smile,
everytime we talk for a while
Love the way he smirks,
and the way he works

I got carried away when I saw Luke against the doorway frowning. I closed the journal shut, dropped it, and panicked. I smile awkwardly as Luke comes over to pick the notebook up. I met his bright hazel eyes with a slight of anger.

"I'm sor--" My apology gets cut off as Luke rests his finger on my lips.

"We never speak of this again, do you hear?" Luke orders.

"Yes. Sorry again," I apologized once more as Luke pouts.

"Sorry accepted." Luke says nonchalantly as he places his journal in a secured spot.

Well, I'll probably come back to see the full song when he's not home. Don't tell the others..

A/N I promised it would be short so yeah. Just wait for part 2 of this :P

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