covering my ears like a kid

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A/N The song or video above isn't
mine. And the video is reference to the chapter

Warning: Swearing, mention of trauma


I sat on the couch, listening to Luke and Alex's argument. I covered my ears trying to block the screaming. It was triggering me.


My parents were fighting again; their voices raising each second. I shook as I listened to them from my room.

"You're the idiot around here! You fucking whore," mom screamed.

"I'm not the only one who's been cheating. You bitch," dad protests.

I shaked as I heard screaming, yelling, & glass breaking. It was too much for my 10 year old self. I couldn't go through it.

End of Flashback

I sang to distract myself from the argument. The words la la la repeated in my head, but it wouldn't help. I could still hear their voices.

"I'm not telling you to quit Alex! I'm telling you to go easy on the drums," Luke comments.

"I think it's better if the audience won't hear your hoarse vocals!" Alex answers back.

"Well it's worse if they hear your off-beat tune on the drums!" Luke replies angrily.

I shaked violently; tears falling down. I rocked my body to calm myself down. Then I hear Julie's voice in my ear.

"Hey.. it's okay Reggie. I'm here," Julie mumbles. "Guys, cut it out!" she yells to the two fighting boys.


I wanted to interfere with my bandmates's argument, but I didn't want to make matters worse. While the two fought, I heard singing. La la la played over and over. I turned towards the direction and saw a crying Reggie. I ran to him and put my arm around his shoulder and rubbed it, a thing that calms him down.

"Hey.. it's okay Reggie. I'm here," I comfort. "Guys, cut it out!" I raise my voice at the blonde and brunette boys.

The two stopped yelling and saw Reggie's condition. Alex sat beside him and apologized non-stop for triggering his trauma. Luke grabbed a blanket a wrapped it around Reggie. We all cuddled beside him as he fell asleep, smiling and safe with us.

A/N That's all for this chapter. Hoped you like it :)) And btw, if you wanna request, feel free ;P

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