have i ever told you this?

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A/N Some Julynn cause they haven't gotten much chapters in the oneshots so here's some Julynn 4 u.


I opened the door and stepped aside to let Julie in. We have a project for Chemistry and of course we decided to be partners. Both of us headed to my room and I grabbed some things so we could start.

"Where should we start?" I question.

"What about you start researching and I start making some designs?" she suggests.

"Sounds good!" I squeal.

We both got to work immediately. I researched and Julie made designs for the poster. I couldn't help but stare at her. She looks so hot. The way that dark curls suit her, those perfect lips that I wish I could feel, and her chocolate covered eyes that I drown in.

I hear Julie chuckle and I snap back to reality. I cleared my throat and continued working on my research about acids and the periodic table. I couldn't focus actually-- Julie stayed stuck in my head.

"Have I ever told you this?" I blurt out.

"Told me what?" she asks with her honey brown eyes.

"That you're hot? Like really hot," I abbreviate.

She grins and comes closer to me. I gulp as Julie tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. I was flushed red.

"Thanks. You too," Julie compliments with a wink afterwards.

"Have I also told you I like you? Like so much?" I tilt my head.

"Really? I like you too.. since fifth grade actually-" she confessed.

I stand up from my bed and press my lips on hers. Damn it's soft-- like really soft. One of her hands was on my cheek and the other one on my waist. My hands ran through her dark curls. It was supposed to be a heated make out session but there was knock on the door.

"Flynn can I enter?" Willie asks from behind the door.

"Sorry- brother things," I whisper at Jules who laughed it off.

"Come in!" I exclaim.

Willie enters with books on his hand and paper. He placed it down on my bed  and smiles as he puts his helmet back on.

"Mom told me to give you those. She said it's some research for your project," Willie informs.

"Okay thanks. By the way, are you meeting a certain drummer?" I tease. Willie rolls his eyes grabbing his skateboard.

"Yeah yeah whatever," he replies from afar.

I chuckle and turn back to Julie who was staring. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and get back on my bed.

"Let's work," I mutter. Julie nods and sits on the empty spot on my bed.

The rest of the afternoon we were working on our project. Then we ate dinner and cuddled while we watched Stranger Things. This was so comforting, especially since I'm with the girl of my dreams

A/N Hi. I'll be saying sorry in advanced since I might not post daily here since I've been busy with my move. Anyways, I might post another chapter later today or tomorrow but I'll keep you updated 😚

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