you're cold

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A/N More of Ruke because I haven't made Ruke for a long time. Sorry if this took me a long time to write, I was busy on a vacation (there was not much wifi). Okay enjoy reading<3


I sat on a park bench, waiting for Reggie. We were meeting up for a date today in the park. I looked side to side and there was still no sign of Reggie. How long does this boy get ready? I ask myself. Then there was a hug from behind. I got startled but it was just Reg.

"Hi baby!" he exclaims. I laugh as I turn my back to hug him back.

"Hey babe," I reply back. He sat beside me on the bench with a smile on his face.

"Let me guess, you had your occasional bath?" I guess.

"Yeah how did you know?" Reggie asks.

"I just do. Ready for our walk?" I question, standing up. Reggie stands too and holds my hand.

"Let's do it!" he answers back.

He pulls me to the sidewalks and I chuckle. Reg is like a child. No for real- he's a 5 year old in a 17 year old body. He skips his way to the cemented sidewalks as I walk behind him still hand in hand. Then there was a breeze which caused me to shiver.

I was wearing my cutoffs with my sleeveless blue hood. I reached up to Reggie on his side with my palms rubbing my muscular arms. My boyfriend noticed me and stopped his skipping. I stopped too and glanced at him. The wind was freezing; I kept shivering and my breath was already noticeable in the air.

"Yeah, you're cold. I'm giving you my jacket," Reggie told me as he takes his leather jacket off. I stopped him and shake my head.

"I'm good. You keep your jacket, you might get cold afterwards.." I say as air came out of my mouth, hands still rubbing my arms.

"I bought a flannel, I'll be fine. Just take my jacket," Reggie explains.

I gave in and Reg handed me his leathered jacket off. He took the tied flannel on his waist and put it around his arms.

"See? We're warm now. Let's go on with our date!" Reggie happily says.

"Alright let's go," I smile, handing out my hand for Reggie to hold. He grabs my hand with a smile and our date went on.

A/N This is short ik 😭 I really can't promise you for longer chapters but there might be. Just stay tuned B)

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