a memory stabbed in the mind

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A/N Ruke again because why not 😔 Jk I just wanna write more Ruke and Warning: Swear words, mention of abuse


I sat on the couch watching Luke pace back and forth. I broke his favorite cutoff (the Rush one) and he found out. Actually Alex found out first and then he probably spilled it to Luke. I snapped out of my thoughts and went back to Luke who was still pacing.

"Luke please stop," I beg him. He stops and turns to me madly.

"How- why- what?" he stutters.

"I'm sorry for ripping your shirt.." I apologize.

"How did that even happen?! How did you rip it?!" Luke yells at me with flames in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry.. I didn't mean too," I sniffle.

As Luke kept arguing and yelling at me, both memories and tears flooded in.


I walked towards the door of my home. It was peaceful outside, birds chirping, the waves of the ocean; inside is just another thing. I open the door and hear my parents screaming at each other.

"You fucking man whore!" my mom yelled.

"Well you cheated on me with eighteen different men!" my dad argued back.

"And you cheated on me with thirty fucking minors!" mom screamed.

I sigh and drop my bag. I take my shoes off and went my way to the stairs. Then there was a grip on my flannel. I was dragged down the stairs and my head hit the coffee table. I opened my eyes and see my dad.

"You failed another fucking test?!" he scolds.

"I'm so sorry.. I didn't mean too,"  I hold in my tears.

"How did that even happen Reginald?! How did you fucking fail it?!" he growls.

"I'm s-sorry.." I stutter. I tried to hide it but guess that failed.

"You fucking dissapointment!" my father called out.

My father picked me up by my collar and punched me on the face. He then dropped me on the floor and continued beating me up. He stepped on my stomach and kicked my arms. Bruises formed and I couldn't stop it.

End of Flashback

Tears scrolled down my cheeks. Luke stopped screaming and immediately approched me. He hugged me and I burried my face in his shoulder.

"Hey now.. it's okay. I'm sorry for screaming at you," Luke says, trying to comfort me.

"I s-should be th-the one apologizing.. I ripped your shirt," I reply.

"Don't worry about it, I'll just get a new one. Now, why are you crying my love?" Luke questions.

"There was just a memory stabbed in my mind.." I answer back, still bursting down to tears.

"It's about your father isn't it?" he asks as he pulls away. I nod and he grabs my shoulders.

"Hey whatever he said, that isn't you," he says with his angelic voice.

"But I am a dissapointment. I broke your favorite cutoffs!" I hissed.

"You aren't a dissapointment love. You are the most perfect human being ever. You make many people smile and laugh. You are the most lovable person and non-dissaponting ghost I know. I love you and no matter what you do, it will always stay like that," Luke claims.

I hug Luke again and he hugs me back. My tears soaked on his shoulder as he rubs my back. He gives me a kiss on the cheek and cups my face.

"Remember, I love you," Luke replies.

"I love you too Lu," I reply back.

A/N That's it. I'm planning to post another one later but if I don't just wait for it. Bye 👋

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