poison in my veins

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A/N Ghost Bobby AU 👍


I was sitting on my bed, upset. Yeah. It's been four months since my friends died and yet I'm still fucking depressed about it. Christmas is around the corner and yet I don't feel the Christmas spirit. The door creaked and it was the new maid my dad hired. She had a tray in her hand, on top of it was a cup of.. coconut juice? I don't know it was just a transparent white.

"Hello Mr. Bobby," she greets.

"Hi?" I greet back sitting up. The maid put the tray on my bed side table and bows.

"Here is some juice. Enjoy," she claims. I take a look at the drink and it looks disgusting.

"Thanks, what's your name again?" I ask.

"It's Ashley," she answers serenely.

"Okay.. you can leave now. Thanks for this unusual drink," I thank.

Ashley nods and leaves the room, leaving me in my room alone again. I picked up the drink and took a sip. It tasted alright but something in it made me feel sick to my stomach. I didn't mind the sickness anymore-- it's probably just the feelings of pain and agony wrapped around my soul. But honest to heavens it made me dizzy.

"What the fuck is in this?" I ask to myself.

I stood up to get a cup of water to make me feel better. I was stumbling across the staircase and dad noticed me.

"Son are you alright?" he questions from downstairs.

"There's- there's something in the drink Ashley gave me.." I answer as my head spins.

I was about to reach the last step of the staircase but I fell to the marble floors. I felt my head crash to the ground and my dad's footsteps echoing as he walked towards me. I saw Ashley on top of the staircase grinning at my slow death. My eyes soon shut slowly as the nurses from the ambulance picked me up. As my eyes closed not only did I see darkness, I felt it too.

I fluttered my eyes opened and gasped. I was in a room that was suffocated in the dark. I walked up to a small light from afar and from there I saw my memories play out one by one. Starting from band practices, my relationship with Alex, and everything else. It played for an hour I guess. All of a sudden the non-existent floor opened up and ate me whole.

There was a jolt in my chest and I fell to the ground. The ground of the old studio Sunset Curve practiced in. I got up and looked to my sides.

"Bobby?!" I hear a manly voice call out to me. I turned and met my eyes with my supposedly dead bandmates in front of my eyes.

"What the fuck?!" I scream.

"Omg-- what's happening?!" Reggie barked.

"I thought I was dead! No- wait- I thought you guys were dead!" I exclaim.

"Well we have explaining to do I guess. You do too," Alex protests as he points a finger to me.

A/N Next chapter 👇

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