birthday gift

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A/N More Ruke 👍 Btw warning: sexual content, smut ig?? You can skip it if you want :))


It's Reggie's birthday today so we went to a bar. He invited all of our friends including Carrie and Nick. The guard marked an X on the younger one's hand to signal the waiters not to serve them alcohol. We entered and headed for the table Reggie booked.

"Thanks for inviting us Reggie," Carrie thanks.

"No problemo," Reggie says.

Some alcohol was served and food. We all stuffed the food in our mouth and drank. After we all ate Julie suggested a game we could all play.

"How about Truth or Dare?" Julie suggests.

"Sounds like fun!" Nick exclaims. Everbody else says so too.

"Alright, who'll start?" Reggie asks. I raised my hand.

"I'll do it," I put my hand down and instead of the seat my hand landed on Reggie's thigh.


"I'll do it," Luke says with a raised hand.

He then put his hand down, aiming for the seat. Instead he accidentally touched  my inner thigh. My face flushed like crazy. I was freaking out since I got a boner. I rose from the seat and took a deep breath.

"Sorry I need to go to the restroom," I quickly say in a panic.

I rushed to the restroom and quickly looked for an empty stall. I entered the stall and closed the door behind me. I quickly searched in the pockets of my pants.

"Found it!" I exclaim.

I put my flannel around my mouth so no one can hear my moans. I quickly put down my pants and boxers and put some lube on my palm. Then I started jerking off.


I kinda got worries for Reggie. I accidentally touched his thigh and he took it seriously I guess. I sighed and excused myself to the bathroom. I started listening to the stalls and.. found it. I opened the stall and saw Reg, flannel in mouth and dick in hand.

I grinned and entered the stall. I locked the door behind me and layed my finger on my mouth.

"Shh," I shush Reggie.


A/N Before continuing, you can skip this part if needed or wanted. If you skip you can go to Reggie's POV already okay bye enjoy.

Luke slowly took the flannel off of Reggie's mouth. He pressed his lips on Reggie's and Reggie didn't hesitate to do so too. Luke's tongue enters Reggie's mouth which causes him to moan. Luke takes off Reggie's jacket and top of and so did he. Luke pulls away and winks.

"Blow," Luke mumbles as he pulls down his pants a boxers.

Reggie kneels infront of Luke and started sucking. Luke grins and grips on Reggie's dark wavy hair gently.

A/N Yeah I'll skip this part go down ↓

Luke inserted three of his fingers into Reggie. Reggie let out more and more moans each second of this cherished moment.

"Fuck.." Reggie says.

Luke smirks and takes out his fingers. Before continuing he gave Reggie another passionate kiss.

"Ready hun?" Luke asks.

"Been ready," Reggie answers.

Luke's cock enters Reggie. Reggie lets out a whimper. Luke goes faster and Reggie whimpers once more.

"Ahh~ fuck you Lukas.." Reggie groans.

"You already are Reginald," Luke teases.

"Oh god.. I'm cumming~ fuck~" Reggie playfully says.

Reggie cums and Luke chuckles. Luke also cummed inside Reggie. Both the boys were out of breath.

"Are we done..?" Reggie questions still out of breath.

"Yeah hun. We are," Luke answers.


Both me and Luke put our clothes back on and cleaned up. I washed my face and all Luke did was stare.

"You're staring," I call out as Luke hands me tissue.

"I know," he breathly says.

We head out of the restroom and sat on our seats. The others greeted us hello and went back to Truth or Dare. I turned to my right and saw Alex who was grinning.

"I knew you guys did it," he whispers to my ear.

"How?!" I whisper-yelled.

"Trust me, everyone knows.." he utters. I turned to everyone else who was laughing and some smirking.

"Hoped you like your birthday gift," Julie hints.

A/N Another long chapter. Hoped you like this one. Bye bitch :)

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