long lost sibling

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A/N Again this is about Flynn and Willie about being long lost siblings or smth. Enjoy ✌️


I was skating through Sunset Boulevard and I bumped into a lady (ghosts can bump into lifers now). I got up and took off my helmet.

"Oh my god I am so sorry.." I apologized as I helped the lady up. She got up and rubbed her head.

"No no I'm good," she claims.

I felt guilty deep down my body. I couldn't help but stare at her necklace. It was a lock shape with a silver chain to help connect it. It was exactly like the one I gave my sister before I died. I had a matching necklace too-- a key.

"You look familiar," she says.

"Same with you," I reply. I noticed her look down on my necklace.

"You have the same necklace my older brother had.." she shivers.

"You have the same necklace as my sister," I say. Her hand flew to her mouth. Tears slowly building up in her eyes.

"Wils is that you?" she questions. I gasped and tears of joy was forming.

"Flynn.. oh my god!" I squeal.

She immediately hugs me and I hug back. She rested her chin on my shoulder and so did I. I rubbed circles on her back to confort.

"I missed you.." she distraughtly says.

"I did too. I'm sorry for leaving you," I say as I pull away.

"It was so different without you," Flynn claims.

"We've got so much too catch up on Lyn. So much.." I pleaded.

"Let's have a chat then," Flynn suggests.

"Sure, it has been a long since we did that," I commented.

The rest of the evening we hung out. And she even mentioned her and Julie's relationship. I also mentioned that Alex was my boyfriend. Oh! And turns out Flynn was friends with the band Alex was in and so was I. I finally connected with my long lost sibling.. today was a miracle.

A/N That's it! Next chapter will be Luke Angst. But it might take me some time to post it probably tomorrow or some days so yeah bye! 🤗

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