you're so precious

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A/N Omg a Julynn chapter!! Anyways enjoy reading.


I watched Flynn pace back and forth with her finger layed on her chin. My eyes followed her movement and it made me dizzy. I took my glasses off and placed them on the bedsheet.

"What is it?" I ask as I press my lips together.

"I'm just wondering is there eight billion birthdays or 365 birthdays?" She answers a question back as she stopped pacing back and forth.

"I think it's eight billion birthdays," I claim. Flynn shook her head as if she doesn't agree.

"But alot of people are born on the same days-- soo it's not possible, right?" Flynn says.

I chuckled and scooted over to make some space for Flynn. Flynn headed over to me and sat. She put her arm around me and I leaned on her chest.

"You're so precious," I state. Flynn chuckles and leans her cheek onto my head.

"Thank you," she thanks. I look up to her and smile.

"You're welcome precious," I soothed. Flynn cuddled over to me and I chuckled.

"You know we should spend more time like this," Flynn requested. I nod and layed on her chest once more.

"Definitely. We definitely should do this often," I chimed.

"Thank god. I love you," she states. I gave out an aww sound.

"I love you too." I reply.

The rest of the afternoon we sat watching and laughing-- we shared jokes and things. We enjoyed the day! Especially the cuddles me and Flynn gave to each other. It was nice.. I'm so lucky to have such a precious lady.

A/N That's it! I'm so sorry if it was short 😭 Anyways. See you next chapter!!

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