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A/N Some of Sunset Curve (angst again) :3

IB: @ihavebeencrying425years on TikTok. It's one of her latests! Her Wattpad acc is teenauthor364 :P

Warning: Mentions of abuse, swearing


Pre-death, 1995

Here we are again with Luke scolding me for the wrong tune. He's been doing this for days and honest to heavens, it's so annoying. And because of it, we've been fighting a lot lately.

"Can't you just follow the fucking tune Lex?! We've been over this so many times," Luke scolded.

"I'm not out of tune! You're guitar is hogging my drums, so you think my tune is wrong, it's your fault," I sassed.

The fight gone for minutes. Our voices were rising each time the other finishes their sentences. Bobby and Reggie just watched us and they seemed pretty stressed too. Reggie then gets up and pulled us away from each other.

"Can you guys just stop arguing?" Reggie protests.

"Can you stop getting in between the argument, Reginald?" Luke growled. Reggie turned to him furiously.


"Can you stop getting in between the argument, Reginald?" Luke answers. I turned towards his direction and something in me snapped.

"Okay, you know what? I'm fucking tired of this. You guys just fight and fight about who's tune is wrong and who's isn't, and no offense but, it's so damn annoying! I shouldn't be this type of guy, but I'm just saying; I ran from my home to run away from my parents yelling amd dad's daily beatings only for it to happen here. I wanted to be happy with you guys and here you are fucking fighting like mom and dad I've gone through so much with you guys and this is the last straw. I'm done with your bullshit, you guys, everything!" I backed off from my bandmates.

"Reg- I'm so sorry.." Luke's rush tone faded. He reached out an arm, but I pushed it away.

"Whatever," I left the studio immediately.


Reggie left the studion and I wanted to follow. I stopped myself though. I thought about what he said. His parents were fighting? He didn't really mention that..

"How could we not know?" I turn to Luke.

"I don't know.." Luke replied to me. "Should we follow him?"

"I don't think he wants to see you guys after that stunt," Bobby interrupted. "I'll go,"

I nodded and Bobby went out to follow Reggie. I hope my bestfriend's okay..


I knew where Reggie was already. I reached up to the pier and saw him by the end. I walked up to him and sat on the empty space beside Reg.

"You good?" I ask. He replied with a nod.

"You really snapped hard back there, they're worried for you," I comment. Reggie turned to me— he was crying a little.

"I know they are. I didn't mean to upset them.." Silence fell. I gave Reggie a hug and he cried on my shoulder.

"It's fine, Reg. We all gotta snap at one point," I turned behind us and see Luke and Alex who had followed. They joined the hug and Reggie smiled at them.

"You're not mad?" Reggie asks, tears still dripping down.

"Not at all, we love you," Alex replies.

We all gathered into another hug. This was family. Yeah sure, we had ups and downs, but there's no perfect out there.

A/N I love this sm. Again, idea is by @ihavebeencrying425years on TikTok. Her Wattpad user is teenauthor364. Check her acc out because she is epic !! And also, I'd like to thank you guys for making this work to 800 reads and #2 on ruke. Love ya'll, next chapter soon. Let's shine together, bright forever 🤟

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